The Syrian response is coming

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S

The Syrian response is coming

Written by Nasser Kandil,

Many have quickly commented about the Syrian raids, wondering sarcastically about the nature of the Syrian response, to confirm the implication that there will be no response, and that Syria which has received the attack will continue to remain silent, surely those wanted to emphasize the image of Israel as the force which attacks whenever and wherever it wants without any response, and that the Arabs even among them there were who carried the slogans of resistance, but the common denominator among them is in accordance to the description of the former Qatari Prime Minister when Israel is present, is merely ewes.

The size and the type of the war which is imposed on Syria is allowing it to have a special consideration, it is not hidden neither for the enemy nor for the friend the magnitude of the involvers in this war from world powers that have linked the fate of their leadership with the consequence of their war against Syria, like America, towards the leading countries in the region which have linked the fate of their regimes with the outcomes of this war like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Just for that the participants in this war, and the degree of their mobilizing the capabilities to infringe its will, are sufficient reasons to grant Syria the right to determine its fighting priorities, and engaging its capabilities out of the embarrassment and the extortion which often accompanied these raids as a chorus in order to achieve the same targets. As the attraction of the Syrian capacities to the war of attrition which help the militants groups and extend their survival. This is an unhidden target for each time Israel interferes through its raids in the war which has taken place for four years ago.

It is clear that usually the Israeli raids have been related to the Syrian relation with the resistance, especially concerning the arming and the talk about targeting a convoy of specialized qualitative weapon for fighting Israel, which Israel described it as the West with breaking-balances weapon and that it does not belong to the war in Syria with the partnership of Hezbollah. The talk was about the land-sea missiles ((Yakhont)) or ground-air missiles (( SS 300)) which Syria decided to put them under the control of the resistance in its deterrence’s balances and the war against Israel. This indicates that Syria despite of its being at the peak of its fatal concern with the war that threatens its existence and its entity, the presence of the Israeli struggle is still has the attention of the Syrian leadership on one hand, and that the right of the partnership with the resistance in determining a unified strategy to deal with Israel on the other hand. This does not detract from the power and the position of Syria, if the resisters conducted the response once and the deterrence many times or to interchange with them the responsibility of Golan Front, or to decide with them a new type of confrontation.

The relationship of the raids with the process of war in Syria was always clear, when the militants groups seemed to expand in the Syrian geography, Israel remains silent to make them avoid the accusation of the dealing with. It just sees them dismantling the air defense for its account, murdering the scientist and the professional pilots, and destructing the electronic warfare centers which are specialized for its confrontation. When the balance of the war started to tend to the account of the Syrian army, and starting from the preparation of El Quseir battle, Israel interfered with its first raid to say that the collapsing of El Quseir is a red line, memorizing with fire the public speeches of the American, France, and Turkey presidents and the king of Saudi Arabia and others. On the next time it has interfered in Jamraya, and prior to the attack which ended with the collapse of Yabroud in the hands of the Syrian army. The third time was with the rhythm of the direct protection of Al Nosrah Front organization in the battles of Golan as a direct fiery support along the borders. In each time the real response is the well understanding of the Israeli message and the dealing with it when needed, i.e. when the raids happened to draw a red line around El Quseir, the response was with the progress towards El Quseir decisively and with determination, and when the target is to say do not approach Yabroud then the response was the collapsing of Ybaroud practically, and to those who knew the meaning and the reactions of the messages in the wars,  and when the raids say do not approach El Quseir, Yabroud otherwise ….. Otherwise what?? Otherwise the war, it means that through the raids Israel is saying we are ready for the war if you proceed towards El Quseir, then Yabroud. Syria says we are moving forward and we are ready for the war and our decision of the progress here is a decision that bears the consequences of going to war.

The Syrian experience with the Israeli raids, despite of all the following injustice against Syria from those who wanted to include it with the Arabs ewes, it says it will respond in the appropriate time and place, once it responded by bombing a tank after the first raids of Jamraya and the killing of an officer, the second was in conjunction with Shebaa farms’ process after the second raids of Jamraya, this was the dual process which Al Sayyed said about it, that it is a message for Al Jalil

The appropriate place and time was not a traditional sentence memorized by Syria about the nature and position of the response and its timing, especially concerning the timing, because the first response was by the progress towards El Quseir and the second time was with the progress towards Yabroud, waiting for the following responses.

This time, the raids related to the war of attrition to protect the emergence of Al Nosrah emirate with an American coverage and acceptance, before the collapsing of ISIS emirate, and to prevent the completion of the Syrian victory. The intended emirate spreads along the borders between Lebanon and Syrian and between Syria and Jordan, and along the Syrian-Lebanese-Palestinian borders in order to be a connected geography as a belt around Damascus, in addition to the providing the needed fiery support to protect the emirate which was at its last gasp before the clinical death if Israel would not support. It is just enough to see what is going in Al Ghouta of Damascus towards Al Qalamoun. Thereby the coming response will not wait for the completion of the mission through the moving towards the goals which the Israeli intervention wanted to protect, but by the interrelation between the two halves of the response because the termination may require the deterrence of Israel from continuing the intervention.

This time the response is coming, and perhaps the deterrence before the termination.



2014-12-10 | عدد القراءات 1728