When they are talking about a political solution in Syria

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S   

When they are talking about a political solution in Syria

Written by Nasser Kandil,

At an earlier stage, the confrontation in Syria has presented a scene which entitled the split between the halves of the military and popular geography; one is the loyalist and the other is the opposers. The opposition was under an apparent secular political title, embodied by Istanbul’s Council and a regular military wing that is called the Free Army. In spite of that, any talk about a political solution started by the preparation for the dialogue between the two parties, and ended with the judgment of the ballot boxes, but the international and the regional party which sponsored the war against Syria insisted on the political solution which is the departure of the President Al-Assad neither with elections nor with the ballot boxes.  Then there is no problem in forming a government that includes equally the team of the loyalists and the team of the opposers, that government will conduct a transitional task by a resolution of the Security Council, its title is the re-forming of the armed forces and the security services. It is known that the intention is to disconnect the relationship between the new Syria and the resistance forces, and to take it out of the conflict with Israel, and to change its army and security like the other armies and the other Arab security services, in which it will specialize internally as a big sector of policemen that has no connection with the concept of the national security.

The attempts of the President Al-Assad for the dialogue have been failed, the American Security of State Hilary Clinton once has said publically to the opposition;” Do not go to the dialogue”, the rulers of Qatar and Saudi Arabia have refused to facilitate any dialogue that did not started with the departure of Al- Assad. Despite the military and popular variants for two years after the beginning of the crisis, the emergence of the terrorism strongly, the disintegration of the opposition, the dominance of the extremists on the land whose the opposition theoretically dominated on, the turning of the secular groups to a mere decoration to defend of the extremists; as the protest when Al Nosrah Front was classified as a terrorist organization, and the turning of the Free Army to just an image that is occupied by brigades and battalions which are just dependent organized groups for the account of Al Qaeda organization with its different branches. After all of these, Geneva Conference was held, the interval duration between the conference and the Syrian presidential elections was six months, this has granted for the demanders of the abandonment of the President Al-Assad a chance in a million, if their goal was the political solution and the trust of the popularity of the opposition, which they described as a revolution, just in order to confine the dialogue in Geneva Conference of how to ensure the security of the elections on one hand, and their fair competitive conditions on the other hand, and the turning of the presidential elections into a real occasion for the political solution. This was possible if it was accompanied with earlier parliamentary elections that produce a new legislative authority, that its new balances are controlled by a new government chosen by the Syrians, but the sponsors of the war against Syria insisted on a government that formed by a foreign mandate on Syria through the Security Council in which the opposition will have a leading role in the re-construction of New Syria. But it has neither what granted it a popular legitimacy, which if it happened then it would have accepted an equivalent electoral competition and would have asked for the guarantees, nor it has a field military ability in areas that became under the control of the terrorism. The political solution was simply by bringing a government of mercenaries who will give the fate of Syria to America and its groups in the region, the same as their dealing with the terrorists groups when there were circulating political offers. This matter was also doubtful, as the current Iraqi experience since the collapsing of Iraq under the occupation.

Now, after everything had changed, and after the political formations of the opposition which is called( the secular) had collapsed, in addition, the organization of ISIS and Al Nosrah Front and their independence and military dominance were terminated, the Free Army has been demolished,  the Syrian people have determined the partiality electorally to the project of their country and army in an experience that stunned everyone, especially through the Syrian participations outside Syria. The President Bashar Al-Assad has been elected with a high majority despite of all the difficult conditions of organizing the electoral processes. The war against terrorism becomes an international and a regional title. The announced admission yesterday and for one day was by the American Secretary of State John Kerry and the Gulf Cooperation Council about a dual, its basic was that the priority of the war against terrorism will take time and effort and the need to find a political solution in Syria. But what does it mean the political solution here?

Once again, there is a unique political solution which is the coming parliamentary elections in Spring 2016 in Syria, and perhaps a dialogue which will end in spring 2015 which will include the country and the committed opposition of the war against terrorism as a priority, this dialogue will lead to a government that prepares for competitive parliamentary elections, and supports the army in its war against terrorism. The sponsors of the war will undertake the providing of the international and the regional support of the new government, and stopping all the sanctions on Syria in return. According to the parliamentary elections, the percentages of the representation will decide all the unsolved issues; for example, who has the two-thirds votes of the parliament can start amending the constitution including the mandate of the president, and who does not have this majority will be obliged to coexist under the authority of the elected president and according to powers provided by the constitution. If one has a parliamentary majority then he can undertake the forming of a new government which will coexist with the powers of the president till the date of the next presidential election, it means after seven years. But who has got neither the two-thirds of votes nor the majority has to accept his representation in the new government that equals his parliamentary size in quality and quantity.

The one who does not announce a public supportive attitude towards this concept of the political solution, is talking nonsense either because he is a stony broke, or because he stands implicitly with the alliance of Israel and Al Nosrah Front and waiting for them to accomplish changes that restore the hope of the return to the war again.


Translated by Lina Shehadeh



2014-12-11 | عدد القراءات 1697