Madness: Obama, sanctions, Kerry, and the veto

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S   

Madness: Obama, sanctions, Kerry, and the veto

Written by Nasser Kandil,

The American Russian relations are an indispensable bridge for understandings and settlements which seemed that they are a main title for the sequent events, starting from this month till the coming spring. There is nothing seemed to be imminent, that is able to obstruct the attainment of the Iranian American understanding point, which everyday carries a new indication for approaching the deadline. The understanding in Ukraine has passed the most difficult point which is the confirmation of ceasing fire, after months of troubles, difficulties and attempts of the military determination by the government of Kiev accompanied with American European support. In Syria, the Syrian government and its international opponents seemed for the first time that they are approaching a modest plan but steady, and may it form the starting point for a snowball in the process of making-settlement in the crisis which has divided the world into two opposite sides, and  which was about  having a war more than once.

Conversely, the Palestinian issue which constituted the center of making the Middle East events was absent of the understandings and the settlements, but the historical events proved that whatever happened of attempts of going around, solidifying and linking the conflict, is still the permanent alarmed bomb that is able to blowing up with all the settlements projects in the Middle East. The Middle East is the area of the anticipated settlements especially regarding the nuclear Iranian file, the Iranian American relations, and the war which is agitated by Washington and its allies against Syria, and which is almost in its countdown process with the completed plan of De Mistura.

It is sure that everything is forming while the Palestinian file is suspended on a standby position on one hand, and according to the mood of the racist murders herds of settlers on the other hand, the international neglecting, seizing the territories, expanding the area of settlement, and the Judaism of Jerusalem. It is enough to just agitate a spark of the conflict sparks as what happened in similar events in the past year, and led to the crisis and the brink of war, like the war against Gaza. Even all the settlements which their constituent beginnings are witnessed even by the Middle East become valid, Neither Iran nor Syria is able to keep up with the settlements and their requirements, starting from the positive environments with the Americans and their international and regional allies to the engagement with them in understandings and settlements that affect many issues like Bahrain, Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon and especially the resistance and its prominent presence. The resistance is the most important power in the intersection of the Syrian Iranian relations, the striking force in the Iranian Syrian alliance, and the war against terrorism which is the issue of an anticipated cooperation as a result of the settlements. In addition, it is the first involved of what is going on in Palestine, so it becomes impossible to accelerate the settlements without making serious efforts to calm down the tension in the Palestinian issue, and to remove the detonating cords if the opportunities of the settlements would not have matured yet.

Washington is the involved party in fortifying the relation with Russia to ensure the smoothness of the settlements’ process which is maturing or it is in its way to be matured, and which represents the main beneficiary partner of strengthen its foundations, after it had consumed the opportunities for imposing the success of the easier choices, which were the profit choices and the achievement of the absolute or the relative victory, it may take the responsibility of the pressure policy on Russia on one hand, without allowing the consequences of this sponsorship to affect the fragile settlements. Washington is concerned with making every effort to calm down the Palestinian issue and to put the controls to prevent it’s rolling towards explosions that its outcomes cannot be put under control. It knows previously that it will overthrow the settlements for which there were many efforts to rotate towards it. After its efforts and the efforts of Israel for imposing new comfortable equations have led to the impasse.

The problem with Washington is that it wants to go in a new path with its same old carriage that its tires are full of holes, and which are infected with its structural defects that may cause many fatal accidents in several occasions and in circumstances of less danger, accuracy and sensitivity. So Washington will resort to put its photo in Israel’s mirror on one hand, and the extremist right wing of America on the other hand, as a criterion for what should be done in the Palestinian issue and the relationship with Russia. This led Washington to make insane choices, like the ratification of the White House of the Penal Code which is issued by the opponents of the President Barak Obama to hinder the settlements, while Obama thought that he accepted the challenge, so he signed the law according to the accounts of the electoral bid, he sent his Secretary of State John Kerry to his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov assuring him that “ The President will not use the law, hoping that you will not act according to hypothetical reactions, and not to link any reaction with applying any sanctions, and not issuing a permit which the president will not use “, while Kerry went to the Palestinians instead of the Israelis threatening them, and said that his government will use the veto if the draft resolution has presented as it is. But indirectly he told them that his government is seeking to amend the project in a formula that imposes a negotiated calendar on the Israelis, and they are required to understand his threat because it is for the gratifying of the public opinion which is affected with Israeli campaigns in the time of elections.

The reckless American behavior is based on an arrogance that has faded, and may threaten the fragile settlements with fragmentation and dissolving before its structure becomes solid.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh


2014-12-18 | عدد القراءات 1689