Yemen needs to resist


- Yemeni rebels, which are led by al-Houthi movement and contribute in changing their country and other areas across the regional Gulf Arab, is a surprising sample.

- When the rebels entered Sanaa city – Yemen, they make a quick and accurate decisiveness and comprehensiveness victory in this capital. Other countries expect that Sanaa is as a castle which is supported by Saudi Arabia.

- The Yemeni rebels' stand against Saudi Arabia and depending on axis which are presidential rule and Saudi Arabia funded.

- The rebels impose a new settlement which gives them the right to veto in the state. When the procrastinating is continued the rebels returned back to the capital.

- Rebels in Sanaa city are flexible to make future talks with rebels in south to improve their country.

- Leaders revolution began to deport and exclusion the bad management in various fields in the state.

- After the experiences in Lebanon and Iraq, the Yemen rebels succeeded in their revolution and have the multi supports although the refusal from Saudi Arabia.

- Yemen will change too much in the Gulf.

 - A thousand greetings to their minds, decisiveness and wisdom.


Tra: Enas Ahmad

2014-12-19 | عدد القراءات 1664