Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S
Al-Assad is the person of the year 2014
Written by Nasser Kandil,
The major Western mass media is dealing ineffectually with what it has started the expectations regarding, before the end of the past year at least of one month, it is the choice of the person of the year according to the readers and the followers of these mass media, the event remains alive after the starting of the new year, this choice is often associated with the name of the mass media and the size of its fame to become as a common choice. Time magazine has been providing a survey for choosing the year’s personality as a distinction international event, the world media is dealing with it respectfully.
Since 1927, Time magazine has invented this event and has kept on organizing it annually. There were American social personalities who alternated it from that date and for each three years. Lundeberg the first pilot, Chrysler the inventor of the car which we fully know, and Young Plan who formed the financial settlements of the First World War. The first politician was Mahatma Gandhi the first grade winner personality of the year 1930, and followed by many foreign presidents from the French Prime Minister Laval to Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Hitler, Queen Elizabeth, Churchill, Truman, Duchess of Windsor, Joan Foster Dallas, De Gaulle, Kennedy, in addition to Stalin, Khrushchev, Johnson, Nixon, and Kissinger, then the activist Martin Luther King in the year 1963, proceeded by the Pope John Paul XXIII in 1962 and then the only Arab King Faisal with the decision of the oil embargo in 1973, so he became the person of the year 1974, then Regan, George W Bush the father and the son again have alternated, and among them Aquino the President of Philippine, Gorbachev, and Deng Hsiao Peng as reformists of the communist regime who were beloved by the West.
In the year 2006 which witnessed the war of July against Lebanon by the memorable Israeli aggression was the object of support and bet from Washington to Riyadh, Ankara, Paris, London and Cairo, so the resistance led by Al Sayyed Hasan Nasrollah has come with the miracle of winning, but Al Sayyed’s name was absent from the survey of Times Magazine, in order to let the founder of the WikiLeaks site win, then the name of the President Vladimir Putin has emerged in the year 2007, then the President Barak Obama won in the years 2008 and 2012, the protestor ( Arab Spring )in the year 2011, and the Pope Francis in 2013.
In a sided poll survey, the name of Sayyed Hasan Nasrollah has emerged as a person of the year 2007 according to the Israeli press polls, and the names of Recep Erdogan and the President Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi as preceding names in the survey of Times before resolving the winner.
With the consideration of the events-making, the year 2014 is finishing the stage of what was going after the end of the Cold War a quarter a century ago, it was the phase of the political, military, and security chaos, which swept the world, till it settled in Syria, and was the war which changed the world. Either the world which waged into this war feels with panic today with the presence of ISIS, or in a state of denying the failure and the recognition of the Syrian victory, or in its way of engaging in the settlements and the negotiated solutions. So the person who has changed the world is the President Bashar Al-Assad.
We do not know whether Times has presented the President Bashar Al-Assad in its race with a similar explanation of what it has done regarding the concept (the person of the year) in presenting the Prince of ISIS Abou Bakr Al-Baghdadi, by saying that the choice of the person of the year does not mean supporting or opposing the attitudes and the thoughts of the chosen personality, but the size of its impact. But we all know that the President Bashar AL-Assad according to the historical impact criteria is the one who ends an era of a quarter century of chaos, towards the breeding of a new global system in which Russia, China, Iran have engaged in its making, through depending on the steadfastness of Syria, and a new regional system in which the position of Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia have declined, the ternary which has overshadowed for half of a century over the Middle East has made the resistance alliance proceeding as a decisive pivotal player and a first maker of the politics.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh
2014-12-24 | عدد القراءات 1861