The Lebanese army plan in Arsal district

- The Lebanese army intentionally wants to prevent mobility of terrorists groups between Arsal district and its highlands.

- It is no longer possible to pass through military checkpoints, just for everyone who has worked there. The soldiers recognize them by governmental cards given to them.

- It is pre-emptive action before the snow time, which will motive thousands of these terrorist groups to go towards Arsal, and it will be a source of supplies to these groups.

- Now the terrorists groups have confronted the snow time in one of two choices: either they accept the siege and its suffering, or to have negotiation with the Lebanese state and to discuss the fate of the military.

- The next two months are the time of snow and cold, so they will be so important in the negotiations file. The kidnapped and kidnappers are in the same boat.


Tra: Enas Ahmad


2014-12-29 | عدد القراءات 1603