Nabih Berri : between Zarqa Al Yamama and Avicenna

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S   

Nabih Berri : between Zarqa Al Yamama and Avicenna

Written by Nasser Kandil,

It is not an ordinary achievement for the one who has perfected the using of the struggles for the account of the attitudes, convictions, choices along half of a century, to be in the minds of the opponents before the friend’s ones a bridge for the solutions. He gains as an opponent or a friend the feature of the salvation passage in the unconscious collective for the local, regional, and international parties, who are involved seriously in the depth of the position which Lebanon represents them in the Middle East.

The president of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri is the person whom the delegates visit him neither because his protocol position requires that they have to pass by him in each visit to Lebanon, nor because his position in his sect, which constitutes a player that cannot be ignored in the Lebanese and regional background requires the stability of his attitude, and the discovering of the possible limits with this sect, through the easy speech of this person who is as difficult as his sect, nor because the central issue which summarized the Lebanese crisis, as well as the solution in Lebanon is the presidency, of which the parliament forms the stage and the curtain of its theatre, while his presidency is like lighting and the directing.

It is not an ordinary achievement that this man is like that, but despite of all of that, the opponents and the friends expect something more from him , so they admit as well, that if they have not penetrated in his front defenses, plunged in deeper of the considerations with him, they would have failed because the most important and attractive in this man is that he has a rare foreseeing ability, that is not easy to be studied in a book, and it is not attracted by a praise or compliment, it is his own secret, when he put his right index finger on the tip of his nose and he passed it quickly, and when he explained as an estimation to an attitude or anticipation, from which he derived a magic mixture, that its secret cannot be acquired  neither through knowledge, not experience, and nor by a recipe. The opponents, friends, the neighboring and the remote ones come to him, in order to pick up some of his supervision, and they incite some of his mixtures and receipts in a way that they might hear.

Moreover it is an ordinary achievement he is like that, his good reputation is spreading outside of his country more than inside it. The remote ones talked about him as a security network they relieve to its presence, despite of their classification him as a stubborn in protecting who and what he presented, moreover, they describe him as a moderate, whom the President Michel Suleiman could not discover his moderation and his reasonability in order to be his referentiality in the calamities and crises, thus he would avoid Lebanon and himself what he has committed of sins, and what he has brought of impasse. The French said what the Iranian said, an what the Saudi repeated that (you have Nabih Berri so do not worry about Lebanon, in the time of solutions he will bring out a rabbit or a white pigeon from his sleeves as a magician) , so the share of his groups will be preserved in the solution, but the others ‘s share would be more preserved. There is no central player in Lebanon like him,  that despite his standing in the centre of the stadium and among the volatile balls, he can embody the personalities, interests, and the aspiration of everyone, in order to make the difficult balance equation between them, which no one else can make and promote it in onetime.

The president Nabih Berri is betting so much on the dialogue of the Al-Mustakaba Movement and Hezbollha, rather than anyone else, not because it is an illusion that this dialogue can be achieved, and that the starting of it is the discussing the names of the presidency’s candidates, but because this dialogue has passed by inspection and test which Berri perfects their usage to verify about any need or a desire that the regional players have, and who summarized the problem and the solution in Lebanon. Saudi Arabia and Iran, and because the dialogue has that regional position, in a time that the penetration of the suspended crises between the two major players is needed but difficult. Berri is betting of making this dialogue as a platform that carries the seeds of inoculation which is waiting for the favorable winds between the male and the feminine trees in the desert. The Lebanese readiness is a temptation for the difficult regional choice though achieving the progress towards difficult and needed penetration, and the Lebanese made it possible. The optimism of Berri regarding this dialogue which he did too much towards and still, is the optimism of constituting a national safety network which becomes in his point of view available more than any time before against the dangers of the sectarian tensions, the sliding towards the security tensions and the danger of providing the suitable environment for the terrorism for them.

Today Berri is standing at the limits of the supervision, he does not think about the mixture and the receipt anymore, since there is no time for thinking, so how to express, he clearly revealed his understanding of the presidency’s stubbornness of the General Michel Aoun, since it is a legitimate right despite the electoral impasse which Lebanon lives, and said as long as the timing has not come yet so why some disagree with the General’s attitude, so he does not feel shy since the most important is to pass the bridge safely, and the most important is that the outside which is directly involved is understanding, willing and maybe is in need, so our duty is to make it sees us as its chance for the accomplishment.

Among the Arab history there were two tales which the President Nabih Berri likes , The doctor Abu Ali Avicenna whose receipts cannot be denied, as the cure of the intestinal bleeding for one of the princes after a fishing trip, so instead of detecting him, he asked him to narrate about his fishing trip, he came up with the herbs of the lake which he drank from, he continued feeding him till he brought out the leach which sucked his blood, and which climbed on his intestines instead of the lake. The discovery of the illness is half of the remedy. Abu Ali Avicenna has cured one the sick princes as well, when he recalled the names of the neighboring villages while he was checking his pulse, the pulse of the prince has increased upon saying one of the villages, then he continued checking him and has mentioned the families names, he noticed that his pulse becoming higher and higher upon saying one of them , then he  has reminded him of the lovely names of the girls so he found that the pulse increased and increased,  so he went to the king and said to him that your son is a patient of love, so go and let him marry that girl of the family of that village, so he will be healed.

Among the biographies of the Arabs, there was a woman, whom the president Berri likes her tale as well, she is Zarqa Al Yamama, it has been said that she can see the white hair in the milk, she saw any one beyond a distance of three days travelling, she was a security valve of the battles, one of the invasions, the invaders have made a trick by cutting the trees and hiding behind them and infiltrating, since the carrying trees on the backs can not be seen while advancing, she shouted to her people that I can see walking trees, but they did not believe her, till the invasion has occurred and they defeated. But Berri who knew the receipt of Abu Ali Avicenna is confident that his people believe him when he said to them that he saw walking trees, therefore they win. But today there are no walking trees and nothing else.

كتاب بناء2015-01-05Translated by Lina Shehadeh,



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