- In most terrorist attacks, Turkey was proved that its government involvement in the terrorism. It is clearly shown that it is supportive of terrorism, but Hayat Boumedien's smuggling from France to Syria is so daring act.
- The US Vice President declares, according to US intelligence reports, that Turkey is funded for terrorism and supports it. Turkey considers as the major source which exports terrorism to the entire world. It is the only pass for nearly a hundred thousand Mujahids to Syria and Iraq.
- Erdogan and Davutoglu are the leaders for terrorism and supportive for these armed groups and use them against Syria. They claim that they are the containment for these Mujahids and send them to Syria. This process is to protect the West.
- What happened in Paris is as a test to challenge Erdogan and Davutoglu. It is as the proof of the failure of their claims.
- It is a reason enough for a round-west dialogue with Turkey to force Turkey and other state to change their policies, and to reconsider about these armed groups.
- Turkey is the sponsors of the smuggling of Hayat Boumedien. It claims that what happens in France or any another terrorist attack in the West is a cost to containment of these groups.
- So, why does France accept to be silent? Because, its government and leaders are involved in terrorism. This involvement is so clear.
Tra: Enas Ahmad
2015-01-13 | عدد القراءات 2351