- Can we understand that what was published by Charlie Hebdo newspaper is as a response to the terrorist attack which targeted them?
- Can we describe these cartoons of the Prophet as a part of a plan to respond to terrorism?
- They consider this behavior within the definition of freedoms, freedom of expression and relates with values of secularization. Is it right behavior?
- Officials in this newspaper assured that these cartoons are proof of their refusing to terrorism.
- The mainstream of this newspaper is "Henry Bernard Levy" who is considered as the maker of the civil wars. So, is it considered as a prelude to terrorism?
- The aim of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper is to raise the sedition against Muslims and to get rid of them in France and whole the West. This action will give reactions from Muslims through terrorist attacks, as the West claim.
- The West reactions will revenge by such of these Cartoons of the Prophet. The escalation will progress till the Christians and Jewish start to break down the Muslims shelters and assault them.
- Charlie Hebdo and Daash are the two sides of the same coin. This coin is the Israeli Mossad, which was leaded by Tal Aviv. Where Al-Qaida is their Allier.
Tra: Enas Ahmad
2015-01-15 | عدد القراءات 1655