Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S
From Yemen to Al Quneitra ….. everything has been settled
Written by Nasser Kandil,
The Yemeni President has been prevented to put the partnership agreement of three months into effect by Saudi Arabia, it has imposed on him as well to issue a constitution draft that contradicts the agreement, in order to agitate Al Houthis and let them to go once again to the streets. The bet was to face tribesmen and opponents, who were funded by Saudi Arabia during months ago, in order to organize protests against them and ask them to evacuate the capital within months. Half of what is expected by Saudi Arabia has been occurred, Al Houthis and the Yemeni popular committees have gone out asking to accelerate the implementation of the agreement, and putting its contents in the amendments of the constitution draft, but those who promised the President Mansour Hadi that they will constitute the opposing force of the revolutionary movement haven not gone out to streets. Al Houthis remained alone in the streets while the Yemeni president was waiting, till he was forced to sign an understanding with Al Houthis. Therefore the Saudi anger has called the President Mansour Hadi to resign, because he did not face Al Houthis, and he let them inherit an astray rule without references, nor parliament, nor government, and nor presidency, hoping that the chaos will calm down the revolution.
The essence of the Saudi Movement is to push Yemen towards more aggravation in order to lure American reactions, that do not affect Yemen but Iran, so it seemed that Iran is negotiating with America and the West regarding its nuclear program, and trying to be the greatest power in the region, so it has to appear as a sabotaged power of stability and a power that is responsible for the mess. Hoping that the American attitude in special and the West in general which is related directly and vitally with its oily interests, agitates against Iran so the negotiation will be suspended or this American attitude imposes pressure to grant Saudi Arabia what it wants, by maintaining of its trusteeship on the future of Yemen.
The Saudi action which is well examined by intelligence coincided with a similar intelligence action that was carried out by Israel in the southern of Syria, it was contrary to what it has claimed of not knowing of the presence of Iranian General among those who were targeted by the raid of Al Quneitra, But since it knew that, it decided to make the raid in order to say to Washington and the West, it is Iran which you are negotiating with and enabling it from occupying the first grade among the region’s countries, it is responsible for unsettling the stability in the fragile fronts of the region’s conflicts, moreover, it abused the balance which Washington has taken care of its presence in this front for forty years ago.
The British Press has revealed of an intelligence coordination relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia due to the precision of this stage, it talked about an Israeli Saudi anxiety of the acceleration of the understanding with Iran, The information which is published by the American Press revealed about a lobby in the Congress, that is sponsored by Israel and funded by Saudi Arabia to force the Administration in order to prevent the understanding with Iran and threatening it of its dangers, especially that the situation has been prepared through the accelerated Yemeni events and Al Quneitra process, to provide the necessary reasons for an American internal movement in the remaining time before the last moments of the understanding.
The American and the British information as well as the Israeli the Saudi ones state that the American Iranian understanding is imminent; therefore we will witness hysterical attempts of changing the difficult realities for those who were accustomed to the fact that the last speech is for them in the region, but it seemed that everything has been settled.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh
2015-01-23 | عدد القراءات 2068