Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S
The death of the King Abdullah & the future of Saudi Arabia
Written by Nasser Kandil,
The comments about the death of the King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz have been distributed between the human sadness that surrounds his relatives and closest members, and the political sadness of the beneficiaries and those who worried about their personal and political future and their interests, along with the personal and the political hypocrisy of the sadness, and the exaggeration of courtesy by claiming the respect of death. Moreover, there were childish attitudes that have some kind of gloating, and which were justified, because they have expressed the anxiety of the Saudi policies through unsuitable timing and title, as becoming strong towards the one who died, since no one is stronger than death, it has been mentioned in the Koran Kareem by the meaning” The death will face you even if you are in built up constellations” in front of the death, we are all equal in our attitudes and positions, may those who scorn pay attention before asking those who feel sorrow even if their oppression was not decent, that the admission of the fact of death is enough to stop the arrogance and the arrogant, and to ask him instead to behave that no matter where he is, he will die, where there is no money, crown, or sons, so may he will have the mercy, he will consider his humanity, and he will act with his people, nation issues according to the conscience, and what he has of abilities and capabilities.
The ugliest and the worst saying belongs to those who said something that is not said in satire, and today they are saying about the deceased King what is not saying in the poems of praise. For example those who described him as the first conspirator of the nation, in the obituary speech they described him as an irreparable national loss, because we believe that the courtesy and politeness do not involve offending neither the live nor the dead, and to refuse the gloating as an expression of politics. We believe that the most important is to refrain from hypocrisy under the pretext of respecting the death, and not forgetting the respect of life, because their respect is representing by talking about the person aside, and respecting the objective aspect of the absence as an event associated with repercussions and considerations.
The King Abdullah has died, his life as a king was full of attitudes, policies, and initiatives and the one who is coming after, may continue in his policy or change. The task of the mind is the exploration. Because in closed regimes such as Saudi Arabia the consideration is not in the efficiency and the talents of the people, but in particularly the change which is an exclusive expression of new equations internally and externally that were waiting for the departure of the king. Is it right? or nothing will change just the formations and the details which express the special fingerprints of the individual, and the network of their supporters, their interests and the balances of the normal conflicts about the influence, and the gains which associated with the practicing the rule in a country such as Saudi Arabia and its capacities?
The links which were a continuous title for the growing role of Saudi Arabia in the reigns of the former kings Fahd and Abdullah, whose the difference between them truly did not extend the limits of variation in the personal fingerprint and the high structure, have focused on the Palestinian issue from the initiative of Fahd to the initiative of Abdullah, and the leadership of the Gulf, making the balance against Iran, and the influence in the Levant. On the contrary the distinctive value of what is known as the Saudi era in the American eyes was the administration of the oil issues, Palestine and Islam.
Today it is clear that the two Saudi initiatives became out of validity, and out of time, and that the Gulf is moving between the Saudi domination from the independent Oman, to explosive Yemen, to extinct Kuwait, and the heisting Emirates. And that the Levant is out of the domination, from Iraq which is recovering without royal grant by sponsoring the reconciliations and securing the royal authority against ISIS, to Syria that resists and stands on its own towards overcoming the danger after a war led and waged and sponsored by an international regional groups, headed by Saudi Arabia, while the balance with Iran has become from the past. According to Americans the Saudi era will end by tuning the resistance in Palestine into a difficult reality, the falling of Israel into a circle of dual inability neither in peace and nor in war, in addition to the oil’s turning in the kingdom of sands from a politics-making force into a suicidal tool in the war of prices in the era of maneuvers which end on one hand with the end of the ruling family’s savings, and on the other hand with the American arrival to the political and timing limit with both Russia and Iran in the negotiations’s equation. Moreover, Islam becomes two halves, half is carrying its principles the advocators of the independence and the resistance from Iran to Lebanon and Palestine while they face the hostility of Saudi Arabia, and the other half is raising the flags of ISIS and Al Nosrah and targeting everywhere it can, so the bet of containment becomes a form of folly and stupidity.
The kingdom is retreating around itself after the changes have matured; it was waiting for the departure of the older member of the family. These are the most prominent signs of the death of the Saudi era with the death of King Abdullah, who lost his friendship with Syria, the Israelis have succeeded in implicating him with the game of bidding on a gambling table with Qatar’s rulers, under the slogan that Qatar has the ability if Saudi Arabia has not, even he has made use of the capacities of the Kingdom in absurdity wars, that their ends express the loss in every aspect.
The changes have matured towards the interior and the exterior with the emergence of the first crown prince of the third generation, with the prince Mohammed Bin Nayef, and the announcement of the entrance of hundred of cousins’princes in the competition and confrontation upon the roles, in the time of financial and the political scarcity , and in the time of the progress of the elected governments towards the Saudi forefront from Bahrain, moreover, it is the time of the coming Yemen as an important country popularly, militarily, and politically outside the Saudi domination, and the time of the global confession of Iran as a Great Country, in addition it is a time in which the rooted terrorism in the Wahabism’s culture attacked the kingdom, where in each place there are sleeper cells that are awaking or dormant cells that are recovering.
The new formation of the rule in the kingdom has been organized by the Americans, waiting for the king’s departure, so the appointment of the Prince Mokren as a crown prince was a condition in the eve of the American President’s to the Kingdom, and the appointment of Mohammed Bin Nayef as a vicar of the crown prince is an agreed expected condition for the dual, and waiting to become triple with the coming of the Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These have to lead the Kingdom from the confrontation to the understandings, and the external and the internal settlements. They are understandings and settlements full of small battles, because the era of the big battles has left with the departure of the older member of the family.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2015-01-26 | عدد القراءات 1791