Al-Assad, Al-Qaida and Israel

- After the September's event in 2001 in America, the US's enemy is Al-Qaida and its ally is Israel in the region. Thus, each country can be the enemy of Al-Qaida, and is accused to be close to Israel entity.

- Israel and Al-Qaida have benefited from this equation without any clash between them.

- The President Al-Assad, who is able to counter terrorism, can to reveal the alliance between Al-Qaida and Israel. When Israel relieved and decreased the international pressure on the so called terrorist groups by air raids.

- Especially, after the Israeli raid on Al-Quintera, when Al-Qaida has become in the Golan.

- The coalition between Israel and Al-Qaida is revealed when the Israeli Minister of War has announced that Al-Qaida and Al-Noosra in Syria is reliable ally for it.

- The President Al-Assad has expressed in his interview with American elite Journal that Al-Qaida has air Israeli weaponry.

- Israeli's land forces are Daash and Al-Noosra

- This is an alliance between Al-Qaida and Israel.


     Tra: Enas Ahamad



2015-01-26 | عدد القراءات 1743