Do the French need a role? To set free George Abdullah

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S   

Do the French need a role?

To set free George Abdullah

Written by Nasser Kandil,

The French are making an exceptional effort by employing their diplomacies, and may insulting them in order to have a role in Lebanon on the basis of the presidential elections, suggesting that the Iranian- American understanding may lead to grant them a reward of playing a pivotal role in the Lebanese presidency to facilitate showing that the agreement between Washington and Tehran like an Iranian understanding with all the West. France thinks that its word is effective, and the French think that they are still capable of moving as a religious reference for the Christians of the East, and approaching the Lebanese precedential elections from this point of view, despite all what they have brought against the East’s Christians of injustices and tragedies, because of the nature of their reckless despiteful random intervention in the ongoing war against Syria, and their standing on the same side with Turkey, either under the title of Sultanate project which the Eastern Christians just think of the black memories of it, or the Muslim Brotherhood project which deprives them from their simple partnership rights in determining the fate of their homes, as the experience of Egypt in the times of Muslim Brotherhood rule showed, towards the role of Paris in gathering the remnants of Al-Qaeda organization, and securing their moving to Turkey in order to send them to Syria, where the Christians have got enough of displacement , killing, and ruin the livelihoods and churches from Sadad to Maloula until the organization of ISIS has emerged from the womb of this French gift which has burned everything.

The French have not paid attention that the matter, neither related to the coming of Jean Francois Giraud once, twice and three times to Beirut, nor related to the visit of Tehran, and the attempt to mediate it in order to participate in France’s endeavor to succeed this visit. Tehran will not grant neither Washington nor Riyadh the opportunity to bargain on the presidential option in Lebanon, and that the rank which the main ally of Iran in Lebanon is representing according to the conflict equations with Israel and terrorism by a major regional power, and that the negotiations have to be managed directly with it about this presidential elections.  Moreover, they have not paid attention that their reputation among the Christians of the East is in the lowest level, and there is no one who will grant them the guardianship of the interests of the Christians of the East, While Russia is proceeding with its reputation and rank among the Christian popular surrounding which looks towards Hezbollah and its allies, especially the Syrian country as an example of allies which can rely on in the calamities.

If France wants to regain some of its missing role, it has to think of the procedures that fill the gap, which the foolish policies of the French presidency have caused. First of these steps is to release the combatant George Abdullah who was arrested illegally , just because his thought belongs the resistance option, supporting it, and refusing to bargain the French authorities upon these principles. Second, to lead an opposing campaign against the one which France has headed when including the military flank of Hezbollah to the European terroristic lists, So France has to lead a campaign to omit the name of this default flank from the oppressive lists. Third, to think seriously in the future of the French- Syrian relationships away from the information intelligence about the French fighters who are fighting in Syria within the ranks of ISIS and Al Nosrah.

It is a road map, hoping Giraud will read it before his departure to Paris, perhaps this time, he will convey to his administration useful advices instead of conveying his administrational tips which do not make sense to the Lebanese.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh

2015-02-03 | عدد القراءات 1735