Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S
Should we have to feel ashamed as Lebanese?
Written by Nasser Kandil,
The brutal process which ended with burning the Jordanian military pilot Moaz Al- Kasasbeh, and what it has got of an international and Arab interest, and what it has obtained of media attention, reminds us we the Lebanese, as we feel sympathy towards his family and his country of the tragedy of our kidnapped soldiers who five among them have martyred by slaughter and shooting in similar execution processes in cold blood.
Firstly, We feel with sorrow for the fate of this young man and the grieve of his family, and for this painful brutal way through which he was murdered, we feel with disgusting towards these killers, whom the enjoyment of torturing their hostages till death is their priority, in addition to the Hollywood review of the awful death films which they distributed, on the basis of the killing’s justification, and the legitimacy of execution according their terminology, to the extent that it seems surely that the decision is built according to them on the need of launching the film and what it includes of effects , inventions, diversity in the glaring forms of brutality, and agitating the horror, panic, the nationality of the hostage and the size of echo, which the execution will occupy in the public opinion in a special timing, and what its consequences will affect in much more of what this matter will concern them, firstly and finally the magnitude of matching the execution’s decision with the religious, legal, moral, or valuable criteria, which they have put for themselves as legitimacy, it is supposed that the collective conscience of the particular group, which does not adhere with itself, only by the harmony of its actions with the value’s aspect which it obligates itself with, till you think that the value’s system here in ISIS is proceeded by the joy of dalliers deficient rioters, to the extent of enjoying the brutality of murder, and the degree of matching of the published film with the criteria of dazzling, and superiority on horror movies.
We feel with pain, because the world which claims an interest towards our country, has not granted an attention towards the martyrs of the Lebanese army who and their families neither differ humanly from the martyr the oppressed Al-Kasasbeh and his family, nor the conditions of their kidnapping and executing differ too. Everyone was doing his national military duty in fighting terrorism’ task. We feel with pain because Al-Kasasbehs deserve, and because our martyrs deserve too, and maybe because we feel that the difference is in the size of interest of our government by making this issue internationally and concern the whole Arabs compared with the size of interest of the Jordanian government by turning the issue of its citizen Al –Kasasbeh into an international public issue, and maybe because our army does not have the satisfaction of the concerned internationally and regionally, because it fights Israel with the same cruelty which it fights the terrorism, it cooperated and coordinated with the resistance that got the artifice of the Arab and international world, which justifies the crimes of Israel and sympathizes with it, and its feeling of disappointment because our army refuses despite the pressures to dissuade it from fighting Israel and coordinating with the resistance. So in this point we feel with some solace.
We feel of some solace, because the anger against our army stems from its nationalism and its fighting the enemy which occupies our land, it usurps Palestine and the sanctities of the Arabs, Muslims, and Christians, but we do not excuse our government because of that and justify it, simply because we have seen the Jordanian political governmental scene is totally different from the scene, which we have seen in our country Lebanon. We have seen in Jordan governmental statement promises of convulsing response and a revenge that agitates the region, moreover we have seen the components of Al-Qaeda and terrorists that are sentenced to death before two years ago, and whom the provisions of their executions have not been signed at that time, are driven to the executions’ rooms preparing for carrying out these provisions, without feeling that it was a murder versus murder, but it was a responsible implementation for the provisions of a law that was suspended but activated through criteria known as a high interest of the country, which is ratified by the first reference, who is the king of Jordan who has interrupted his visit, to be able to ratify the execution’s provisions before the dawn, in order to avenge for the martyr Al-Kasasneh, and let the deterrence message arrives to the terrorists. “If you kill more, then we will carry out more suspended executions against your terrorists,” while our Parliament which got the powers of president to ratify similar provisions for condemned and sentenced to death terrorists is abstained from discussing the assumption. The reason is neither human, nor legal, nor moral but just political one, there is in the government who wants to secure the connection with terrorism in order to make use of it, in order to confront an internal component which is a partner in the government and which is the resistance, but he fears if the executions of the terrorists are carried out. It can be said that, since the execution of the martyr Mohammed Hamieh, if it had been carried out the executions against one of the ones who were sentenced to death, then the killing would have stopped, so our government is responsible for the blood of the martyrs who have followed him.
We feel with bitterness, because we left our kidnapped soldiers subject to the blackmail of the terrorists, so they become a tool for extortion the home, by the force which agitates the horrible thought of killing the sons. While in Jordan we saw the family of the martyr Al- Kasabeh is demanding to take revenge, instead of being a pressure tool for meeting the demands of the terrorists, we saw all of the Jordan with it, but it is not left in the street alone in the camps of sit, anxiety, and oppression as the families of the kidnapped soldiers were left.
Do we have to feel ashamed, when the courts of ISIS stop the execution of the Jordanians, after the terrorists whom the leaders of ISIS are interested in were executed? The question is, if some countries such as America do not deter ISIS from executing the terrorists whom it cares about, just because it wants to make use of the killing of its nationals in the process of mobilization for the war. So is it allowed for the Lebanese official to do that, just because he wants to make use of ISIS against his partner in the home? If Washington in every time liberated groups of the arrested of Guantanamo, knowing that they want to join ISIS sooner or later, just because it wanted them to fight Syria and the resistance, so is it allowed for the Lebanese officials to do like that for the same reason.
For one time let us imitate Jordan rather than America.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh
2015-02-05 | عدد القراءات 1890