Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S
Al Khomeini, Berri, Aoun and Al-Houthi / 1 The collective group Nasrollah & February
Written by Nasser Kandil,
February is full of occasions, revivals, and great names, but the most important event and the founder of others is the triumph of the Islamic Iranian Revolution by an exceptional historical leadership, the late Imam RouhAllah Al Mousawi Al Khomeini, in the period that lasts from the first to eleventh of February in 1979. Al Imam from his residence in Tehran was leading the revolution’s events till he resolved their triumph in ten days. The history has witnessed the victory of the first nonviolent peaceful revolution against the most dictatorial authority supported by all the forces of arrogance and tyranny in the world, it has opened a new path in the history f the region and the world.
During the same year, Israel which considered that the regime of Shah in Iran has the same role, and a position’s support has thought that it entered the most important phase of completing the control on the region through signing the agreements of Camp David, opening the era of peace which is founded on the recognition of its higher control, and the admission of the legitimacy of its usurpation of Palestine. The response was coming with raising the flag of Palestine in Tehran in a place which was supposed to be the impervious castle of Al Mossad; The Israeli Embassy becomes the Embassy of Palestine, Al Khomeini has launched his famous motto “Today is Iran, Tomorrow is Palestine”. So there were two opposed tracks in the region and the world, the track of Camp David which means devoting the legitimacy of Israel and its superiority, and the track of the Iranian revolution and what it means of the ability of people of making miracles. Israel has quickly expressed the surplus of power which it got from Camp David by invading Lebanon, while Washington and its allies in the region have expressed their opposed attack against the new path which is headed by Tehran, by embroiling Iraq into the war of ten years, in which it has destroyed many of the capabilities of Iraq and Iran, hoping to make Israel achieve during this decade what it has planned before.
Neither the war nor the sanctions have prevented Iran from supporting and strengthening the relationship with Syria, the only country which is out of the abidance of the American domination, and which strongly resists the plans of surrendering. As a result of this cooperation, there was an equation that allows the violation of the balance, which Israel has aimed through its invasion of Lebanon, this led the emergence of the resistance which the fighters of the Lebanese national parties and particularly in their forefront, the young of Amal Movement, the Syrian Social National Party and the communists have raised its banner, and the young who have accompanied the Iranian revolution ideologically and through jihad have participated too, then Hezbollah has emerged. With the end of the ten –years war against Iran, the first part of the two paths which launched in 1979 has showed the end of the first round by the failure of the war against Iran through its enlisting, recruiting, and the failure of the invasion of Lebanon in achieving its goals, Al Imam Al Khomeini has passed away, and he was comfortable of the plan of rebuilding Iran which adheres its constants and in their forefront the resistance against Israel, granting the leadership to Al Imam Ali Al Khamenaie who is a guard of consonants, Republic, and revolution and during this accomplished the resistance of Lebanon has emerged.
The most prominent events of the first ten years is the uprising of the sixth of February in 1984 which is led by a rare efficiency of the President Nabih Berri at all the levels to the extent of expressing its achievements, which based on the strategic alliance between Syria and Iran, towards achieving the deadlines by collapsing the agreement of the seventeenth of May which is formed as a mean copy of Camp David Agreement, the departure of Marines and the multi-national forces away from Beirut, announcing the collapse of Philip Habib Agreement, which represented the situation of Lebanon under the American guardianship, and ended by opening the South way in front of the resistance, securing the supply line which links between Beirut and Damascus, and towards culminating the Syrian entrance once again to Beirut, and ending by signing Al Taif Agreement, and the launch of building the Lebanese country at a political line, its title is supporting the resistance, and the adherence of the gate of the distinguished relationship with Syria as a title of expressing the Arabism of Lebanon.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh
2015-02-10 | عدد القراءات 1835