The professional performance of the Syrian army “The Undefeated Army”

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S   

The professional performance of the Syrian army “The Undefeated Army”

Written by Nasser Kandil,

It is no longer a matter of debate that the Syrian army is fighting professionally, according to considerations, plans, estimations, and proprieties, and how the magnitude of the invested effort in each battle away from the emotion, has to be less than the size of the hopeful strategic income. After the entry of Hezbollah in the war, the mixture becomes in planning, expertise of tactics, and in the strategy between the experiences of the regular armies, the resistance forces, and the guerrilla armies, through the two parties have gained together various experiences in the fighting, since the war of Al Quseir to Yabroud and towards the two Ghoutas and Homs. This made the American and Israeli military studies’ centers speak about the capacities and the expertise of the Syrian army and the resistance after these various diverse experiences as separated and with more concern about their capacities and experiences when they are fighting together.

It may be true that at the first months of the war there was a confusion about how to deal with the data which the war, its methods, and its geographic areas showed, and how these data do not match with any previous map of dispersion the army regarding the crisis, in addition to kind of distributing the sites of weapons, and its relationship with the external wars especially with Israel, and what the war has revealed of field equations that led to loses and imposed radically different positioning. The reason of this confusion is the difficulty to reconcile between the two needs; the new war needs, and the survival needs to be ready for any external war which its occurrence is increasing within the internal attrition wars. The leadership of the Syrian army has proved its success in the least amount of loses in remapping the dispersion and the duties of an army of approximately half a million soldiers who are distributed in accordance to weapons of infantry, artilleries, missiles, engineering and reconnaissance, armored vehicles, and commandos and air drop, troops of sea and air, airports, heavy and long tom surface - to - surface missiles, air defense networks, and the equations of camouflage and concealment, all of these need to be adjusted according to the new conditions, fore example it was enough to settle up one unit of air defense missiles on a hill near a village, now it turns suddenly into a site that includes besieged twenty soldiers and officers, who have to fight as infantry that they had not accustomed to before. And there leadership has to protect the missiles from damage and destruction, a great process has been occurred in less than a year, which no one can know its burdens, repercussions, consequences upon the armies except those who lived real military experiences. This is in itself a certificate for the Syrian army of possessing a highest degree of professionalism, especially because the process of positioning, deployment, and adaptation according to the new terms of war were taking place at the heart of fire.

The war has witnessed great military moves, the most important of them, is the campaign which the Syrian army has made to link Hama with Aleppo across the desert of Salamieh, where it excavates a way of approximately two hundred kilometers to raise the blockade of Aleppo, and to link it once again with Damascus and the coast, and the central warehouses of army in Hama towards the airport of Aleppo. The war has witnessed moreover major processes like the war of Qalamoun and the liberation of Yabroud, and the participation of armored vehicles, missiles, warplanes, artillery, vertical aviation units, and parachutes’ dropping , with the participation of the elite units of Hezbollah that handle private missions in the process which resolved within hours a site that is supposed to be a fortified fortress of  thousands of professional elite militants of Al –Qaeda. There are many battles which will be enlisted one by one with the end of the war as materials for study, scrutiny in the faculties which concern with the war’s issues.

Since the beginning of the year and along with common reading of the balances with the resistance, and as an estimation of a strategic attitude, on which the military leaderships depend in drawing their plans, the Syrian army seems that it is on a date with major strategic moves , the first one was in Ghouta of Damascus towards Duma the most important stronghold of the militants, but as a consequence of the process more than two thousands militant have left the city and they gave themselves up along with five thousands citizens. The process continues, but its consequences have stopped at the borders of giving enough effort to achieve the sequent moves. The second one towards the south of Syria on the rhythm of the new balance which stems from the engagement between the resistance and Israel on Golan front, and the containment of the deterrence which the resistance has resolved for the interest of the front of southern Syria as in Der Al Adas where the connection is prevented by fire between the two provinces Quneitra and Daraa,  thus it separated the groups which associated with Jordanian borders in Daraa with the ones associated with the borders of Golan and which are supported by Israel in Quneitra. The process is still continuing, but it is clear that its rashness has stopped at the borders of not endeavoring effort, and making use of the potentials furthermore presenting sacrifices that exceed the size of its expected income, leaving the consequences till the third process in the south of Syria which aims to separate the city of Aleppo from its countryside, and disconnecting the districts  which are controlled by militants of the Turkish supply lines, and investing the strategic moment of the efforts of International Envoy Staffan De Mistura to impose realities, that make his mission possible, and destroying the hopes and the promises of the extremists armed groups in the city by crossing the borders, thus the solution of De Mistura becomes the best among the others.

The three processes have achieved their strategic goals, collapsing the escalation capabilities in the two Ghoutas of Damascus, and the tiredness and the corrosion which have occurred in the body of the armed groups, but the additional income was freeing a part of the army to take new missions, and the split in Al Omah army from the army of Al Islam which led to an extermination between them, through which Al Omah army has appealed to the Syrian army to protect its components and their families, in addition to its readiness to fight with army against the army of Al Islam which is led by Zahran Aloush. In the second process, the additional income was re-linking the scattered units of the Syrian army in the geography of provinces of Quneitra,  Daraa, and Sweidaa especially because among them there were specialized units, and enabling them to act according to their duties and specializations, depending on what the armies followed.

While the most important thing in the third process, and what has transcended its military goal through breaking the connections between Aleppo and Turkey,  between the city and its countryside, and reaching to a solution in order to terminate this irregular situation in some of the country’s districts is the communication for the first time with the people of the national defense troops in Nobel and Al Zahraa, which were besieged for three years and where more than ten thousands of fighters will enter to Aleppo and constitute a fortified power for the process of fighting, and resolve it when there is a need, and thereby their towns will become under the control and the protection of the army’s units.

The Syrian army is an undefeated army through its commander, officers, soldiers, its moral spirit, and its sacrifices. In addition to its steadfastness, and insistence, at the same time it is a legendary army through its high professionalism and what is going on in Al Qamishli, Al Hasakah, and Deir Al Zour will prove many things soon.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,



2015-02-21 | عدد القراءات 2320