Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S
Erdogan avenges from Mohammed Ali Pasha & Oglu continues to respond against Huntington
Written by Nasser Kandil,
According to the admirers of Recep Erdogan, when Erdogan impersonates the personality of the Sultans is not a matter of accusation or a reason for insult, because neither Erdogan nor the philosopher of sultanate Ahmad Dawood oglu deny the Ottoman dream, for which Oglu has written texts under the title“The new Ottoman” and about which Erdogan has talked considering it, the modern renaissance of Muslims. For this reason the nostalgia for the sultanate and the eagerness to glory constitute a source for the similarity between the two personalities Erdogan and the French President Francois Holland, who is behaving while in his mind an image of the glory of the French colonial power, especially when it related to the countries in which this colonizer has exposed to humiliation such as Syria and Algeria, Maybe it is one of the reasons of the common chemistry which combines the two men, and which made the American researcher Stephen Schlesinger describe them both with injury of fantasy’s reincarnation and paranoia complex.
In every moments of the political rivalry which the virtual sultanate’s calendar imposes, Erdogan evokes figures from the sultanate memory, for example in the peak of the Ukrainian crisis which supposed to take place politically between the West Europe and Russia, and where America supports the Western party, agitates and encourages it for further involvement in favor of the illusionist vital interests, while the demographic title revolves about the Catholic-Orthodox division, which threatens of the division of many European countries and leads them to civil war. Suddenly Erdogan appears as a strange partner in the war, when he invokes the Crimea peninsula as a historical symbol related to the Crimean war, which the ottomans have waged accompanied with the alliance of France and Britain against Russia, in his speech the language of revenge for defeat of his ancestors has shown, when the Russian fleet arrived to the Mediterranean, controlled the straits in Bosphorus and Dardanelles, and did not leave them to return to the Black Sea except with Paris Agreement. It is known that the war ended with the Conference of Paris in 1856, it included the protection of the rights of religious minorities in the Sultanate, the freedom of the Russian navigation in Danube towards Europe, and the right of the Russian fleet to transit freely in the Black Sea, in addition to the devoting the dependency of Crimea peninsula for Russia, and the port of Sevastopol as a site for the Russian fleet. But it seems that Erdogan has wanted to avenge for his grandfather Sultan Abdul Majeed, believing that Holland who embodies the personality of Napoleon is Napoleon Bonaparte, so he saw him as Third Napoleon who was defeated by Caesar Alexander II.
Erdogan has not paid attention that the understanding of Minsk about Ukraine means the withdrawal of his French partner from the war against Russia , also he has not paid attention, that the steadfastness of his ancestors’ sultanate was because of the sacrifices of the Egyptian army, which is led by Mohammed Ali Pasha despite of what the Ottomans have done against him, and their insistence to torture and conquer him, with the collusion of the foreigners, once the French and once the Britain, and that although the history of the Ottomans was under an Islamic banner, which means oriental identity, it did not prevent the Sultans from turning into partners for the West colonial interests against Arabs, as the wars of Ottomans against Mohammed Ali Pasha and his son Ibrahim Pasha have showed, and what was known as the wars of the Levant.
In the wars of the Levant, the armies of Mohammed Ali and Ibrahim Pasha have humiliated the Ottoman armies, and have defeated them in Aleppo after the two victories of Tartous and Homs towards Adana, in which the Arab armies, accompanied by ten thousands of the Syrian young people have not left it except according to the Convention of Kutahya which drew the first modern border line between Syria and Turkey, before the Agreements of Spears and the divisions of Sykes –Picot, Erdogan who lived in the identity of his ancestors repeats the war of the Levant, while in his subconscious Mohammed Ali Pasha, trying to conquer Egypt after the admission of the failure to subject Syria. So the direct invention of the Turkish military fighter elites have aimed to keep the Ottoman’s presence in the Arab territories as a threat of the national security concept, Moreover, the continuous efforts have aimed to use the organization of the “Muslim Brotherhood” by engaging it in the political process in each of Libya and Yemen. While these two requests have been faced with a stupid respond of the Gulf Cooperation Council‘s countries, but for the same purpose, the despiteful Ottoman presence was still survive in the Arab body, through the process of ISIS in Libya, and the targeting of the Copts Egyptians with a racist background that belonged to the hatred of two centuries ago.
The personality of the evoked sultan was directed by Ahmad Dawood Oglu through modern strategic considerations for the account of a symmetrical project with the Israeli role. Oglu has thrown backwards everything he has written about the theories of “the animosities are zero with the neighborhood” as a condition to play a pivotal role in the region for his country, so he bought the hostility with Syria, Iraq, and Egypt, and the kindness with Israel and Qatar, these are the two emergency cases in the history, in the political geographical criteria which Oglu boasts that he is master in, But there is nothing of his writings that can be applied for the current moment, just his defensive responses about the pivotal role of Turkey by virtue despite of all the conditions, which are shown through a debate with the American historian Samuel Huntington, he responded for the description of Turkey as a country of sides in the book “ The clash of the civilizations “ by saying it is a country that centers the middle ancient world Europe, Asia, and Africa, but without bothering himself about thinking of the answer about how the country is being a center, where the animosities prevail along the Asian range which is represented by its land borders with Syria, Iraq, and Iran, and the animosities with Egypt the pivotal country among the Muslims of Africa which opposes Turkey on the Mediterranean coast, in addition to its relation with the closest European country Greece which constitutes the passage to Europe, and the farthest but the most important which is represented by Russia, because it constitutes a natural partner according to the concept of the national security, whether to share the water of the Black Sea or a domination in common backwards gardens in the countries of the Central Asia from Kazakhstan to Tajikistan towards Afghanistan.
Erdoghan and his dream end, as the situation of the leaders who are thinking of their hatred instead of their minds. The German military commander Bismarck who ended the wars of Crimea through his understanding with Russia said that the hatred is the worst motive in the politics.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2015-02-22 | عدد القراءات 1890