The weak and hesitated behavior is similar among the French president Francois Hollande's one, Recep Erdogan the president of Turkey, Tammam Salam, the Head of the Government of Lebanon and Samir Geagea, the Head of the Lebanese Forces.
Hollande tries to obtain the satisfaction from Israel because he wants to gain the votes of Jews. Netanyahu began to invite them to migrate, then robot drones start to know and explore Daash's locations. Holland did not dare to recognize the need for Syria, and then he began to send to the House of Representatives and flee.
Erdogan's retreat from the war on Syria to avoid a disaster in his party and thus the Lebanese military hostages will employ this situation to negotiate and thus depends on exchanging between the terrorists groups and the Syrian government, in hope of retreatment.
Sallam rush to involve in the modification and change in the mechanism of government, he reached to an infinity and without negotiation, so end the military crisis and Arsal issue.
Sallam did not dare to coordinate with Syria and stood in the middle of the road.
Geagea wants to share the majority of the Christian with General Michel Aoun against the acceptance of the presidency to Aoun, but he fears about the loss of financial support from Al-Hariri, who seizes half of Christians Representatives.
The conciliatory often are cowards and weak, even if complain.