Netanyahu is preparing for an invasion of Washington, the channel of two seas agreement, building a wall of Galilee

The Head of the Israeli government Benjamin Netanyahu intends to go to Washington, gaining the assumed power which suggested by to succeed in the confrontation with President Barack Obama's administration in Congress and the public opinion, and thus succeed in control of the Jordan through the signing agreement of the canal between two seas to link the Red Sea and the Dead Sea, by this way revival the Negev Desert. He will suggest a political and economic attack together then Israel will hide behind wallsThe Head of the Israeli government Benjamin Netanyahu intends to go to Washington, gaining the assumed power which suggested by to succeed in the confrontation with President Barack Obama's administration in Congress and the public opinion, and thus succeed in control of the Jordan through the signing agreement of the canal between two seas to link the Red Sea and the Dead Sea, by this way revival the Negev Desert. He will suggest a political and economic attack together then Israel will hide behind walls

2015-02-27 | عدد القراءات 1664