The Triangle of Death and decisiveness in the south

  • The Israeli raid in Al-Qunitera led to the martyrs of the resistance fighters and then the North Front becomes not critical, despite the attempts by the Turkish harassment.
  • The south front will decide the direction of the war.
  • Where Israel is America, not where Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
  • The southern front is a complete project to secure border and it is an army against Al-Noosra.
  • It is a real project to change the rules of engagement and reproduce deterrence capability.
  • Syria gave De-Mistura initiative in northern Syria a chance to have a topical solution against the Turkish intervention, but it is counter international resolutions.
  • It led to assure the ability to pursue the military option.
  • Determination is decided in the south, where the Israeli intervention there.
  • The deterrence is in Shebaa Farms.
  • South front is started, the Syrian army is progressed and the allies in the three governorates of Damascus, Daraa and Qunitera.
  • This process achieved successfully in its first stage.
  • The maneuver in the north now and it achieved its objectives.
  • The phase II "Fatima Hills" represents the Triangle of Death.
  • The military force and army steadfastly resolved and became a source of life.



2015-03-02 | عدد القراءات 1849