Netanyahu to Obama: the swap is no war and no agreement, no answer till now

The White House announced that US President Barack Obama did not interested in the speech of the President of the Israeli government Benjamin Netanyahu, before Congress. Once Netanyahu declares that the alternative proposed to deal with Iran is not a war. Washington was announced through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that they will not move its embassy in Yemen to Aden, which was headed formally. Saudi an leadership to all allies of the war against the revolutionaries in Sanaa. The Security Council suggests a presidential statement at dawn to emphasize dialogue as the only solution to the crisis of Yemen.
Washington was far away from Tel Aviv and Riyadh, while Tehran differentiated from Washington in its war on terror, and decided to be in partnership with the Iraqi army units, popular support to fight in Takrit without coordination or partnership with the international coalition led by Washington.
Event still remained in Washington, Netanyahu has stood in front of Congress, without attendance of fifty personalities Congress for President of the Government of Tel Aviv, and it is not overshadowed by applause, which boycotted the present Netanyahu's speech.
Netanyahu repeat his warns of the agreement with Iran he suggests waiting as an alternative, which were adopted by Washington a long time, and did not entail but to return to negotiate the terms of the worst. Iran has improved its regional status on the one hand, and imposed an order new nuclear reality on the other hand. Netanyahu was called to swap implicitly with the Obama administration, you do not interest in agreement and we ignore the war. It is a swap which Obama was quick to reduce its value, as the speech did not carry new nor presented an alternative, because the war option not good with which dropped him Netanyahu before Congress, has already fallen from his hand repeatedly, especially when edited Obama than waiting for American war on Iran light. If he is able and Israel's interest requires it, did not dare to be fought, and fell to the war option in particular the Israeli failure of repeated wars on the alliance resistance, with its contents which are the least dangerous of the repercussions of war with Iran. The last failure was in the process of the Shebaa Farms. Obama said to Netanyahu that it is as a painful strike, but not worth a war, in a implicit message to Netanyahu it is contents are not eligible for this war so go away. The tension on the relationship of Washington and Tel Aviv will be present in both the US and Israeli elections. It is obvious that both Netanyahu and Obama arrived to a infinites in their relationship, and their win is summarized in the failure of another electoral project.
After Netanyahu's visit to Lebanon, it expected more and the government has become a compromise as an alternative to consensus, and avoid the Constitution. The meeting between Hezbollah and the Al-Moustakball Movement is as an approach to the principles of the presidential elections. Hezbollah confirmed through survey in the presidency and the prime minister. It is content that they are centrist presidential means of instability in country denominations agree, and organize their participation in power according to the Constitution in the preamble of the Charter of co-existence, The power does not contradict the Charter of the co-existence, is the authority which does not live main components if sectarian frustration. Each sect considers it to its partners in the nation, with suspicion. Especially presidencies, and Hezbollah, which tested the hypothesis moderation presidencies in the posts of President and Prime Minister, and isolation from the notch to meet the caller and the dispute with those involved in this experiment can honestly say that frustration in my sect presidencies was the first result for each of the two trials.

2015-03-04 | عدد القراءات 1852