What is going on between Obama and Netanyahu?

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S   

What is going on between Obama and Netanyahu?

Written by Nasser Kandil,

If the one who listened to the speech of Benjamin Netanyahu before and in front of the Congress, and observed the American Israeli relationship, does not want to plunge into the image, scenery, and detailed expressions, then he could say that the issue is not related to the American President Barak Obama and his dispute with one of Israel’s leader Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu has summarized the issue in his speech before the IPAC; the unity of the Zionistic lobbies in America by saying that “the American leaders are worried about their security, also the Israeli are worried about their presence in life” But Netanyahu has not respected this explanation, supposing that America may conduct another way, or supposing that there is something that reassures Israel of its presence.

What Netanyahu has said, is that the alternative of an agreement is not the war, but his previous behavior abolished all of that, because he was seeking only for war as alternative, he claimed that he was ready to go into the war, but Washington was preventing him. Even Obama has disclosed him when he visited Tel Aviv, when saying that the decision of Israel is independent, it does what it finds necessary for its security, then it is discovered that, what Israel wanted as a lame entity is that America has to go in war on its behalf, ignoring that it formed an equation that explained the dispute; that America is seeking for its security while Israel is worried about its presence.

Netanyahu knows that what he has said about an alternative of a bad agreement is a good one, is particularly what the administration of Obama has done during years for its interest,  it is convinced that it has chosen the agreement, because it does not have a way for war, Netanyahu knows that his problem is not with this agreement but with the principle of this agreement; an agreement that permits the legitimacy of effective active strong nuclear Iran, which does not change its attitude towards Israel and its support of the resistance. Therefore, he was faithful when he said once before the Congress, and he does not dare to repeat it again, despite that he said the truth that America is approving an agreement with a country which was and still want to destroy and exhaust Israel, and that Washington has not put the term “changing the policy” a condition for any agreement. Despite the awareness of Netanyahu of this fact, he did not repeat it before the Congress, because he knew that those who stand beside him will attack him if he repeats that, because it involves any American leadership with a negotiating ceiling, which all know that it means there will not be any agreement with Iran because they tried, but it becomes known what it is and what is Iran.

Netanyahu knows that the alternative of the agreement was not a war but the waiting, it is what America has tested through its successive administration during three decades, but it realized that it returned back in every time to negotiation, Iran has imposed a new reality whether in the regional dominance or in the nuclear issue. The negotiation has to start from lower level of what it could be a base for an agreement, from which Washington has eluded from issuing it. There was neither uranium, nor ballistic missile arsenal, nor heavy water reactors, nor manufacturing central centrifuges, while all of that Iran has accomplished in the time of suspending the negotiations. Washington was waiting for a bet of changing the balances, most of which was upon Israel and what it will do, once in Lebanon, once in Gaza and once in Syria. In every new Israeli defeat, America has to accept to admit of a new ceiling of negotiation, in which Iran can achieve further gains.


Netanyahu knows as well that his defeats are raising the Iranian ceilings of negotiation, and that he is not in a position that he can object the ceilings in which Washington has entangled in accepting them, because it followed Netanyahu’s idea;  postponing the agreement while waiting for the variables. Washington has involved in this bet and has lost, because it was waiting for the accomplishment of the variables.

Netanyahu knows too that when Washington follows under the administration of Obama or any other administration the same idea, it means the return to have a new negotiation with Iran, Iran with its peaceful nuclear file, but particularly, it owns a high degree of enriched uranium and plutonium, that are enough for producing ten bombs, and ballistic missiles that are enough to transfer dozens of nuclear warheads to anywhere in the world.

Netanyahu knows as well that the applause which he has received before the Congress, in addition to the boycotting are two American electoral matters, because the applause will not grant a deterrent ability, which has disappeared in the process of Shebaa Farms. Now he sees the security belt which he has built in Golan is collapsing in front of his eyes, and he could not do anything regarding, not because Obama is preventing him but because he is incapable of doing anything, and because he knows that the alternative is to go to the war which he knows that its consequences are related to what he lamented before the Congress; the ability of Israel to survive.

Obama does not have a receipt for Israel’s survival or an insurance policy, the peace which is suggested by Washington to Tel Aviv within the disappearance of the deterrent ability does not grant a vaccine of life, but it is just a resuscitation and intensive care room. In contrast Netanyahu does not have a receipt for the security and the future of America towards its relationship with Iran, his receipts are well tested and their results were leading to agreement, for which Netanyahu has stood before the Congress lamenting the luck of Israel.

It is a historical separation moment of the interests between two similar entities, through expelling the original residents and constituting a country for the settlers on the ruins of the countries which they entered. These are the two entities which one of them was interfering in the other’s affair in a way that exceeded the limits of the responsible or steward. During more than half a century, America and Israel were like Siamese twins since they are strategic allies. They were not any more a central country and subsequent entity as the relation of Washington with all its affiliates.

Israel has got older, it lost its ability to survive, while Washington has arrived to the moment of truth that its interests surpass, proceed and has to take a decision which could achieve its strategic security, after it had escaped from taking it, and for long time just for the sake of Israel, moreover, it waded the wars avoiding such decision just for the same reason. After the time has changed from the defeat of Israel in the South of Lebanon in 2000 to the invasion of America in Iraq and Afghanistan, and encircling Iran and Syria, in addition to the failure, and the war of Lebanon and Gaza successively in 2006, 2008, 2012 and 2014, towards the raid of Al Quneitra. In addition to the attempt of overthrowing Iran from the interior, and giving the region to the alliance of Muslim Brotherhood, ending with the open war to overthrow Syria, and an implicit war against Ukraine, the public cooperation with Al Qaeda with its variations, and resorting to taboos. Time is running out while the American army has appointed a necessary date to withdraw from the Asian mainland with the end of the year 2014, while the Iranians, Russians ,Chinese will connecting with it across the Afghan geography. The interests of the superpowers are to achieve an agreement about an Asian political geography by consent and understanding, so Netanyahu has to face the moment of truth, rather than  a receipt about the survival of Israel.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh ,

2015-03-05 | عدد القراءات 2480