The effects for bidding the Republicans

  • The Presidential electoral competition between the Republican and Democratic parties. the understanding with Iran turned into a single influential in US-Iranian negotiations
  • Iran is not able to sign the agreement with the West without sanctions as Iran's leaders said.
  • President Barack Obama's administration has said that it is committed to the sanctions which imposed by the administration either the sanctions from Congress, then it needs time for submission from the president, while being able to persuade Congress to cancel it.
  • Iran said that there is an understanding to full change.
  • There is a message from the House Republicans threatened to do not continue the agreement after the end of Obama's mandate and announcement of intent to cancel the agreement.
  • Iran depended on this attitude, the Obama administration is hesitated, then the and five negotiators plus one go to say that the contrast which follows the agreement is a decision by the Security Council to increase the sanctions on Iran.
  • Negotiation was in the Security Council about the text of the resolution
  • When the negotiations reach understandings to end the dispute over Iran's nuclear program, the United Nations Security Council issued a resolution to sign on this agreement and increase of sanctions.

2015-03-14 | عدد القراءات 1681