The Iranian and America foreign ministers don't accept to allow to doubts about any obstructions or objects for forthcoming agreement between them. It is as a prelude to invite foreign ministers for five-plus countries, to discuss the final pre-sign for the formal signature, as a Swiss sources said. It was based on logistical behavior for administrative team in the US and Iran delegations. Everything suggests the extension of the staying of the two ministers and assistants until Sunday and to complete the week to be one of the longest direct negotiations between Iranian and the US foreign ministers.
Information from Lausanne and other American press sources say that negotiations on decreasing sanctions is stopped which imposed by Congress, and that the Iranian delegation insisted on it in the agreement, in accordance with the principle of immediate implementation. The request of the US delegation to get some additional features enable the president to address Congress, and asked to reduce the number of centrifuges from the agreed number of six thousand and five hundred device to six thousand only. This act encourages on the issuance of a statement about Iranian minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, before evening session, which will be a positive one.
In the evening session, they try to reach to understanding by previous negotiation sessions. The search becomes in some formulations which carried out by each delegation, and reviews the texts. It needs for four long sessions to get formulation for their demands of the Agreement. These formulations are political and legal expression; it may require re-opening the debate about its content in many of the issues. The complications despite expected maneuvers at the last hour are still normal. The insistence from each side to reach understanding is clear. The sources expected that the major breakthroughs begin from today in the afternoon, after the morning meeting. The meeting is expected on Sunday between the Ministers of the concerned states to negotiate with Iran.
In the region, developments in Yemen are the reason behind Yemeni division which turns to separation between some areas follow Aden as the capital city, and other areas follow Sanaa. Aden forms the liquidation of the pockets that follow ex- President Ali Abdullah Saleh in the army and security establishments. Marib and Al-Baedaa provinces turn to a battle for the governorates of Yemen, which is expected to deepen the geographical problems. The groups which follow al-Qaeda organization strengthen its influence to control the areas which are controlled by outgoing President Mansour Hadi.
In Lebanon, the meetings and dialogues are continued after legislation, and troubles for the leaders of the security and military extension. They held a session for the government, which the minister Mohammed Fneish talks with the Minister Ashraf Rifi, against the accusations for Hezbollah. He is saying that you are the Minister of Justice, if you truly trust on what has accused Hezbollah of whitening of money to act as a minister of justice, not as an administrator terrorist. The debate is continued, many intervene in it as Fneish said. The evidence on the plaintiff and the judiciary is separation. Everyone who aims to accuse or distort the noble images for Hezbollah will be failed, as Hezbollah is a great force in Lebanon and all the Arab countries.
2015-03-20 | عدد القراءات 1808