Houthi revolutionaries entered Aden from every direction and there is still to announce their control on it.
Saudi escalation motivates Yemen to impasses in the political resolutions after several attempts which Houthi revolutionaries give some compromises projects.
Mansour Hadi, in September after the first Intifada, had agreed on the formulations of appointment to partnership in the decision and to dedicate the new constitution.
This will lead to Saudis deception and the draft of the Constitution is opposite. Because of that they lose the first opportunity.
After the second Intifada, Mansour Hadi agreed to amend the Constitution, then the Saudis con him in resignation, then the revolutionaries are in constitutional vacuum, then the second chance lost.
After the third Intifada, the dialogue with parties to fill the void, then the Saudi con him to procrastinate, then the third chance lost.
After the Fourth Intifada, the revolutionaries announce the constitutional declaration for an interim presidential council, then the Saudis help Mansour Hadi to flee, then the fourth chance lost.
The confrontation is so furious, the Saudis are betting on revolutionaries' surrender in Riyadh dialogue with their conditions, and to threat of intervention.
The revolutionaries impose their equations and the new Yemen will come.
Saudi Arabia is defeated.
2015-03-25 | عدد القراءات 1839