Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S
Are the Saudi and the Israeli minds suicidal?
Written by Nasser Kandil,
There is no indication that there are probabilities or signs that enable both Saudi Arabia and Israel to disable the Iranian understanding with the West despite all the complications that hinder the way of the negotiated success. Because the understanding becomes a fate for the two teams, so there is no place for the withdrawal, therefore the alternative of the understanding becomes more understanding, where the fate of many elites and major choices in several important countries in the world is associating with the success of these negotiations.
It seemed that the Saudi leadership as well as the Israeli leadership are behaving without any consideration for how to act after the arrival of Washington and Tehran to the announcement of an agreement, even as a probability.
What if the American-Iranian agreement is going to be announced tomorrow, so what will be the essential prepared attitude of the two leaderships towards its consequences?
Both of the leaderships are behaving on basis of producing more complications, and putting them in front of America in order to disable the agreement as possible, and turning them into knots, that it has to resolve if the agreement takes place. What is going on in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon according to Saudi point of view is the announcement of the war against Iran and its allies, without possessing fighting armies, and without the ability to modify the balances for its favor, just in order to say to Washington; here we are accomplishing so do not hurry up for the agreement, or it may say after the agreement, we have accomplished, so take our accomplishments in the regional understanding into consideration. But the opposite is what is going on, Saudi Arabia is pushing the conditions into tension and contraction, while it is losing, so the American‘s satisfaction will be in too much need for the understanding with Iran. After the understanding the American will be obliged to make the defeat pitiful on Saudi Arabia, and not to let it pay the cost of its stupidity.
The Israeli leadership which provoked the whole region with its arrogance has revealed its inability at the first test as it said in the Shebaa Farms process. Moreover it has proved its confluent inability of preparing itself for any political alternative of a settlement sponsored by Washington. But it provokes Washington itself, it tries to tamper with its internal affairs, in addition it brings its ISIS groups to the government and puts them face to face with Washington. So all of these will lead Washington to lose the reasons of zeal by considering its partner, so it has to take its partner’s timing in its understandings. After the understanding Washington will be in front of considering how to protect Israel from its madness, instead of reconstituting its alliance for new balances, in which it secures protecting a broader network of interests.
The suicide has no place in politics, which constitutes the art of managing the balances, and what is going on will not change the rules of the political action, but it will confirm the hybrid nature of Saudi and Israeli entities, and therefore the politics’ inability to solve the existential dilemmas.
Instead of the suicidal saying of Samson” No matter what was it, let it affect me and my enemies” the Saudi and the Israeli saying becomes “No matter what was it, let it affect me and my friends”.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2015-03-26 | عدد القراءات 1856