Yemen in the balances of deterrence

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S   

Yemen in the balances of deterrence

Written by Nasser Kandil,

The Israeli press has revealed the facts of the meeting between the head of Israeli Intelligence Al Mossad Tamir Pardo and the head of the Saudi Military Intelligence Khalid Al Hamaidan in Riyadh last December. It says that the aim of that visit was to discuss the possibilities which are resulted of signing the nuclear agreement between the Western countries led by America with Iran, how to avoid the threats arising of that agreement, and the kind of the proactive steps which are needed to cooperate on in order to prevent the occurrence of the most dangerous results towards the concept of the national security for each of Tel Aviv and Riyadh; the two prominent allies of Washington in the region.

Before and after the Saudi war against Yemen, the Israeli press has been filled with the articles and studies that warn of the risks of the superiority and the progress of Al Houthis in Yemen, and the correspondence of Alex Fishman and Ron Ben Yishai the most Israeli prominent political and military analysts about that the domination of Al Houthis on Yemen is inevitable, and that America and the Western countries are surrendering under the slogan “ the time of the military intervention has ended according to them”, and that the negotiation will resolve what the dangerous military interventions have failed to solve.

Alex Fisherman and Ron Ben Yishai have written something that is closer to be an information, it is essence is that if Al Houthis have controlled on Bab Al Mandab, then it means the closure of the marine navigation against Israel on one hand, and securing a strategic way for the arrival of weapons for Palestine on the other hand, while the arrival of Al Houthis to Al Hodiedah’s port means a missile threat for Israel, that completes the confinement which Hezbollah has constituted along Israel from the North, in addition to the Southern surrounding and the Western one that stretched from Syria to Iraq to Iran.

After days of the war, the resigned Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Yemeni President Mansour Hadi has announced from Sharm Al Sheikh that Israel should not worry, because the missiles which could threaten its security in Yemen especially from Al Hodiedah have been destroyed, and the arrival of others has been stopped.

Israel is worried about the coming period; it knows that the network of the resistance which is based on the deterrence’s force and the supply to Palestine is waiting for it, for a new kind of war. Israel knows as well who is its opponent , so it says the glaze of Hezbollah is getting wider because of the growth of the forces which believe in the leadership of Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah, they put their efforts and geography under his leadership to build a deterrent system against Israel and to supply Palestine.

It does not matter what are the reasons of the war which the Saudis are talking about, because neither the threat of the Persians nor the threat of Shiites is believable, since the Saudis have confederated with the Persian the Shiite Shah of Iran, and they protected his ally the Yemeni Shiite Al Imam Yahia against the ArabYemeni Sunni Abdullah Al Sallal, who was supported by the Arab Faok Al Adeh who belongs to the Sunni Muslims Jamal Abdul Nasser, but the Persian Shah was with Israel, while the Arab Abdul Nasser was against it, but nowadays the standards have changed; the Persian is against Israel along with the Shiite Yemeni.

Israel and Saudi Arabia are the same concept of the National Security , the announcement of the war against everyone who declares the Death against America, the Death against Israel, because this one is hiding a missile that one day,  will fall on Dimona, or Haifa, or beyond Haifa or beyond beyond Haifa.

The confrontation is actually between the deterrence’s system and supply headed by Hezbollah on one hand, and the system of Israel’s security whatever the slogans and the considerations have changed, this only explains the attack that dealt with the words of Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah from different positions, that were permitted to silent in the past or accepted to tolerate with, till they are obliged according to the need.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,



2015-04-01 | عدد القراءات 1902