Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S
Iran is the attraction’s center
Written by Nasser Kandil,
During thirty five years after the revolution, Iran has experienced a war of a comprehensive destruction that has exhausted it for a whole decade after its adolescent revolution, thus after the war it has started from under the zero through which the revolution has taken over the control of the country which needs for a reconstruction, from politics to economy to military to culture, but this time it is under harsh sanctions which it inherited them before and during the war, even accompanied it after the war, in order to spend the ten years which extended till the early of the twenty-first century in the reconstruction in very difficult circumstances.
During the fifteen years the Iranian emergence has started, it coincided with two events, the triumph of the resistance in Lebanon against Israel, it has liberated the Southern of Lebanon of the occupation by force with a clear Iranian support on one hand, and the arrival of the neo-conservatives to the White House, accompanied by a resolution of war that affects Iraq and Afghanistan, just in order to encircle Iran, tame it and put it within the binaries of the American dual containment on the other hand. After America has the first opportunity to be alone in leading the world and imposes its will with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the wars of Eastern Europe, and the accession of the Soviet Legacy to the European Union on one hand and to the American direct control in the centre of Asia on the other hand. .
During fifteen years, the world has witnessed moving wars led by Washington; their center was breaking the will of Iran, taming it, understanding it or at least embracing it. It can be said that it is the time of the Russian and the Chinese abandonment of the challenge of the American will. Iran has stood alone fighting and maneuvering and building as a rebellious force against the American will. Washington has started picking the benefits of the wars’ failure in weakening Iran and taming it, till it the speech becomes ridiculous that America is wading the wars and presenting the victory to Iran, while Iran builds nuclear energy, scientific expertise, plants, and an agriculture that can achieve the self-sufficiency, universities and scientific edifices that are not compared to Germany or Japan. It becomes among the first ten countries in the world in the scientific researches, protecting the environment, and the urban planning, but it is the first one in the world in producing the missiles and possessing the ability of the military moving in a vital range that extended along the Middle East.
Iran has advanced in a way that surpasses everything that comes before and after it in the classification of the importance and the ranks of the countries, it becomes one of the seven, the most important is how Iran has imposed on America for the first time the negotiation with the recognition that Iran will not admit of Israel, and it will not stop its support for the resistance’s choice, America is obliged to accept as Benjamin Netanyahu has honestly said once in the presence of the French Francois Hollande who vowed that he will not sign an agreement that allows Iran to possess a nuclear bomb, then Netanyahu replied ; that the most painful is that the friends of Israel will sign an agreement with the country that publically committed itself to destroy Israel, and they want us to be reassured!!!.
The agreement with Iran is in progress, no matter what were the details which many will talk about, and which some will attribute themselves to by inventing Iranian concessions to say that America has imposed its will. Others will say that there are secret agreements which the allies of Iran will pay their costs, While Iran and its allies are going on in celebrating the victory. Unfortunately there is no one among the Arabs who asks about the added value which Iran has possessed, which is less in the capacity of the total financial and demographic capacities of the Arabs and their geographic expansion, through which it could achieve what the Arabs could not achieved, and within long duration of what Iran has taken in a short time.
Congratulations for Iran and for the resistance forces for the coming victory, the dawn of the new change in the international relations. It’s understanding is that, Did the history witness a country such as Iran, with which the leaders of the diplomacy and their experts in the world have spent more than thousand hours of negotiations to reach an agreement?
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2015-04-03 | عدد القراءات 2018