A thousand years ago, people claimed to protect the Holy Land for Christ. Many Frankish invasions against our country, Jerusalem was safely and Christians of the East were in safe.
Invaders smashed the churches of the East and attempted to occupy Jerusalem under the pretext of securing caravan pilgrims and their religions.
Thousands of Christians were killed in the Middle by invaders.
Today Jerusalem and the Church of the Resurrection of the occupation are defiled, and there is no condemnation from the West.
Christians were killed and displaced because of Bani Saud as allies for West.
West has welcomed the displaced Christians from the East, and encourages them for accommodation rather than support them to stay in their home lands.
West does not dare to talk neither about the crime of invasion which had happened before thousand years ago; it is Crusades, nor the colonization of Algeria and war crimes there.
The silence is continued to silence about the crimes of Israel and Bin Saud.
West in its leaders, policy and Church is part of the plight of Christ as Al-Saud is a part of Islam's plight.
2015-04-07 | عدد القراءات 1573