The speech of Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah and the duplicity of standards -2-

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S   

The speech of Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah and the duplicity of standards -2-

The Saudi intervention in Yemen & the intervention of Iran and Hezbollah in Syria

Written by Nasser Kandil,

The only idea that occupied the violent campaign against the speech of Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah among all the insults was accusing him of the duplicity of standards, when he justified the intervention of Iran and Hezbollah in Syria and considering them a response of an aggression, on the contrary he refused and condemned the intervention of Saudi Arabia in Yemen and considered it an act of aggression, especially that Saudi Arabia is a neighboring country that associates with Yemen in special relations, and it is the sponsor of the political solution in it, and the responsible for its implementation in a good way, while Hezbollah is not the Lebanese country and its intervention comes outside the institutions of this country, and Iran is a country but it is neither an Arab nor a neighboring country. In all cases what is permitted in Syria has to be permitted and even strongly for Saudi Arabia in Yemen.

We tried to show the idea in a way that is better than what its owners have presented it, in a way to discuss it quietly, and away from the language which dominated in the original text and which obliges us to gather the shuttered idea, preparing it after cleaning it of its black bad speech.

In order to make the comparison fair, there is no value for what a country is, and what it is not, who is an Arab and who is not, since the matter concerns the Syrian country and its acceptance. Therefore the comparison and the measurement associate with reviewing the conditions which were available till the resolution of the intervention becomes legitimate in its timing, conditions, and its size, as well as the comparison of the form of intervention, its title, and its announced goals. In case the Saudi intervention has the conditions, the elements of timing, the form of intervention, conditions and the elements which were associated with the intervention in Syria by Hezbollah and Iran, then the criticisms against Al Sayyed Nasrollah, and his condemnation of the Saudi intervention will not be in their places, and if the opposite is proven, then the talk becomes about the duplicity of standards, and a hiding behind a superficial title, entitled the intervention, the justified and the legitimate one, so how the other is not justified and illegal.

The resolution of the intervention of Hezbollah and Iran in Syria has associated with lifting the slogan of the pursuit of a political solution for the Syrian crisis, and their gaining of an approval of their ally the President Bashar Al-Assad, so at that time the opposed factions have announced the refusal of the political solution, supported by Saudi Arabia which is so interfered in Syria through finance, arming, and politics, in order to lure an international intervention under the title” there is no political solution with the President Al-Assad”, so the slogan of the opposition and Saudi Arabia becomes the military solution.

In Yemen Hezbollah and Iran have confederated with Movement of Al Houthis which announced its commitment with the political solution, its ambition for the solution was for a new constitution and a conciliatory government under the presidency of the President Mansour Hadi, and as a preparation for new parliamentary and presidential elections. But after the President had announced his approval, he exculpated from his commitment, and he retired with his government so the limit of Al Houtis becomes the dialogue between the parties without exception in order to occupy temporarily the constitutional vacancy that paves the way for parliamentary and presidential elections.  After many endeavors to make this dialogue succeed, it was frustrated publically by the group of Saudi Arabia, in order to push Yemen to chaos by a resolution from Mansour Hadi towards Aden and announcing Sanaa an occupied area, asking for Saudi military intervention, and his insistence along with Saudi Arabia on a political solution, that is the military and the political surrender of Al Houthis, its title is the admission of the legitimacy of the resigned  Mansour Hadi whose reign has been ended, giving the weapons, and the military withdrawal from all the sites that they controlled on, and finally to going to Riyadh for discipline, otherwise the war which already happened will occur.

In Syria the Syrian President has accepted the solution which his similar Al Houthis have presented in Yemen, it means a dialogue from which emerges a government that ends the armed conflict, sponsors the reconciliation, and prepares for parliamentary and presidential elections in the dates of the constitutional maturity according to the new constitution after the popular referendum of issuing it. Furthermore, the President Al-Assad has accepted as a ruler another similar solution of what Al Houthis have accepted as an opposition, that is to reach for a consensus upon the unity to combat terrorism by a legitimate army with it s armed popular formations, and to constitute a government that controls the parliamentary elections , and the one who gets the votes of constituting the government has to constitute it, and the one who the majority for the amendment of  the constitution, has to carry it out. As was the refusal of the opposition and its formations which are supported by Saudi Arabia in Syria, as was the refusal of the rule which is supported by Saudi Arabia in Yemen

Hezbollah and Iran have got the consensus of their ally the President Bashar Al-Assad about this fair democratic solution, each one of them has made every effort in order to make his vote and the votes of the opposition and its regional and international sponsors reach to him, while the attitudes of this opposition and its supporters led by Saudi Arabia were announced, they were insisting on the military solution, and they appeal for its achievement with everything available, from bringing the fighters of Al Qaeda, as the Vice President of America has claimed, accusing Turkey and the Gulf countries and at their forefront Saudi Arabia of bringing the terrorists and cooperate with them, giving them hundreds of million dollars, ten thousand tons of weapons, furthermore, Saudi Arabia and its affiliated opposition in Syria have asked for the military aid from all the countries of the world for a war that destroys everything in Syria. Although their lamentation on the withdrawal of the American fleets after the chemical solution has still heard.

 If Hezbollah or Iran have offered the Syrian opposition a solution like the one that Saudi Arabia has offered for Al-Houthis, the announcement of a surrender, and giving the sites and arms, besides to the announcement of the admission of the legitimacy of the President Al-Assad after the end his reign without elections as the case with the resigned Hadi Mansour whose reign has ended, and if they stipulated on the opposition to attend a dialogue in Tehran or in the Southern suburb otherwise they will announce the war, or if the Saudis have offered Al Houthis a solution similar to the one which the President Al-Assad has accepted in Syria; a dialogue without conditions that leads for a conciliatory government that controls the parliamentary and presidential elections in the dates of their maturity, amending the constitution and making referendum for its amendments, or giving the parliamentary majority which is determined by the constitution the power of forming the government or amending the constitution, in addition to the linking of the issue of weapons with the national reconciliation, and to be sufficient in fighting against the terrorism behind the Syrian army as a temporary stage for this reconciliation, if this has happened and Al Houthis refuse, then the opportunities of comparison began to be shown, but what has happened is the contrary. Saudi Arabia has interfered in Yemen and Syria together to prevent the equitable political solution and to encourage the military solution under a false appearance of a political solution, its content is the giving up, like the way which George Bush has presented to Saddam Hussein to leave or to leave.

Regarding timing, the intervention of Hezbollah and Iran remained conditional with the public emergence of Al Qaeda organization which is brought to Syria by the countries of the war’s alliance that is headed by Saudi Arabia, it is a public emergence, all admit that it is not a claim in media but a stable fact and agreed regional threat, even the Saudi King has said “if Europe and America have not interfered against this danger then it will arrive to them within weeks”. Surely this speech has been said after the danger which Saudi Arabia has brought grew, while what is happening in Yemen is the contrary , Al Houthis are fighting Al Qaeda alone, and the groups of Saudi Arabia are depending on Al Qaeda organization to fight Al Houthis, the Syrian scene  repeated with the same Saudi sponsorship.

Regarding the nature and the form of intervention, despite all of what is said about the magnitude of the Iranian intervention, and the size of the role of Hezbollah, it is certain by facts that the institutions of the Syrian country which is headed by the President Bashar Al-Assad are still remain, and owe him their allegiance, at their forefront the military and security institutions, moreover he is still at his residence, while Mansour Hadi has not succeeded in preserving the loyalty of his army and his residence despite the size of the Saudi involvement in s pursuit to save him. After ten days of a comprehensive war waged by the Saudis, they have not succeeded in making him return to Yemen. While Saudi Arabia is fighting alone against Al Houthis with all of its power, by contrast, the role of Iran and Hezbollah have not exceeded the attribution in specific cases, and often as advisors and elite units.

Here there is no need to link the clarification with the two different attitudes of the conflict with Israel for Syria and its army, and the attitude of the resistance project, because the hostility towards Israel when it concerns the Saudis as a measurement, then it concerns them by reassuring the Israelis, as done by the Foreign Minister of Mansour Hadi, Riad Yassin who was appointed by the Saudis, and said that the missiles which cause the anxiety to Israel in the port of Al Hodeidah, have been devastated by the Saudi airline, and they  no longer constitute a threat to Israel, it is the threat which the Israeli press has revealed that the Chief of Mossad Tamir Pardo has gone to Saudi Arabia looking for a war to remove it.، If tomorrow Saudi Arabia announces ceasing the fire, and calling for a dialogue without conditions in a place that does not constitute a provocation for any team such as Masqat or Geneva and presenting an initiative its basis is a reconciliatory temporal government, that controls parliamentary and presidential elections in the dates of its constitutional maturity, in the case of Yemen both of them is matured, If Al- Houthis have refused then the ones who are keen about Yemen have to condemn their attitude, first of all the Saudis will expect that Hezbollah will include its efforts with their ones for the success of this solution because it is not a group of the duplicity of standards, by contrast since the standards of care of the political solution applies on the attitude of Al Houthis, and since the refusal of their opponents who are adhering of the Saudi support of the military solution, under a fragile cover for a faint call for a political solution, and as long as they hinder every opportunity for the fair solution with an insistence that is similar to the insistence of the Syrian opposition by the same Saudi support, while the risk of this purpose is against the security of Yemen and the Yemenis, as the risk which was against the security of Syria and the Syrians. Al Qaeda has been brought and rooted as a result of this Saudi sponsorship in Syrian and Yemen, then the logic says that the standards of Hezbollah which justified and forced its intervention in Syria, if it applies on Yemen, then the standards will be justified, and they will call it to fight with Al Houthis against the Saudi intervention which suspended the conciliatory  political solution, and which insists on the ruin of Yemen and its destruction, and giving as much as possible of its geography for Al Qaeda.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,



2015-04-12 | عدد القراءات 2053