Мы увещевал России

The Russian attitude to abstain voting in the Security Council and to ignore the Saudi aggression without veto as a political game.

Politically Russia can say that it is unjustified decision, because the war is precedent. The analyzing of Chapter VII is additional and needs Veto and a resolution of the Security Council.

This resolution does not legitimize Saudi war, as the Security Council resolution that helps America to occupy Iraq.

Russia can also say that the decision is like a consolation award for Saudi Arabia towards stopping the war and a political solution.

It may be as involvement.

Russia has projects for settlement or because of the evidence delivered quality of missiles to Iran.

Russia can't declare that it applies the legal criteria or it will vote for this resolution.

We are admonished of Russia, because we want Russia to be as a guarantor of law in international institutions not only ally for any change in international balance.


2015-04-15 | عدد القراءات 1609