Yemen has a commander

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S   

                                      Yemen has a commander                                     

Written by Nasser Kandil,

It is not ordinary for a country that has modest capacities as the capacities of the Yemeni people to be exposed to an aggression that has such of this political, financial, and military potentials like the Saudi aggression against Yemen, while the ground situation is still as the daily Saudi reports witness after twenty four days from the starting of the aggression, These reports talk about the advocates of the aggression who wade violent confrontations against Al Houthis in Aden, Lahj, Dalea, Marib, and Shabwa, which are all provinces that do not belong to the social sectarian background which Al Houthis belong to, so this proves that that the ground is stable and the aggression which spent billions of dollars does not affect the stability of the rebels on one hand, and those who advocate the aggression despite the massive aerial support which they have, did not succeed in any achievement, because the fight is revolving in areas  that are supposed to be collapsed from the first day of the aggression, while Sana’a the capital is still away from any events that might affect its stability on the other hand. But what is important is that the Yemeni people is fighting as one unit, not as divided components and disagreed sects as the Saudis like to see, and try to draw the Yemeni scene on that basis, otherwise how those newcomers to Aden have withstood despite of its original inhabitants who are according to Saudi data fighting against the rebels, and see them as a threat, and Iranian foreign tools. Aden is under the attack of Saudi navy weapons from three directions, and under the attack of the Saudi flight that does not leave its airspace. So could this happen if the Yemenis were not Al Houthis and Al Houthis were not Yemenis after the Saudi aggression has omitted all the differences between them, and it unified them as a heart of one man?

When the alliance which provides the coverage for the aggression has succeeded in presenting a resolution according to the Chapter VII of the Security Council against the rebels, that resolution adopted the requests of the aggression and its claims, then it means that the international situation is biased in favor of the aggression, like the aggression of July 2006 which had the support at its international level, but when the important Arab countries such as Egypt supported the aggression morally, and when Saudi Arabia puts its funds and weapons, which may be the biggest in the world, in order to wage a war without financial and armament limits, and while the war is still waged by funds and weapons not by men, then it means that the Yemeni people is confronting the most of what can be faced by any other people.

When a country such as America announces the war against Al-Qaeda, while it is in Yemen for many years ago, and considers it the biggest threat of its interest in the region, and sees that Al-Qaeda constitutes the ground force for the aggression against Yemen, and that its expands to announce the Emirate of Hadramout, under the Saudi coverage, furthermore it grants its support for the aggression and presents everything needed to make it successful,  and describes the forces of the Yemeni people with terrorism, then this reveals the magnitude of the international hypocrisy in the war’s criteria against terrorism as the war on Syria revealed.

When the organization of Muslim Brotherhood is classified by Saudi Arabia as a terrorist organization, and an only political party in Yemen which dares to announce its support for the aggression, then it is a prove of the non-nationalism of that organization with all its components, and in all the countries which include its branches. What is decided the policies of the Muslim Brotherhood is the international referentiality that has no association with the concerns of the people in which it works, and which if it has the decision then it might not involved, even if it is a matter of shame of the its disgraceful position among all the country’s parties as a party of national betrayal , but this also reveals the frailty of the Saudi position which could not find who welcomes its war, and which the future of the Saudi royal family becomes depending on the triumph in this war. Despite all the abilities, the capacities and the long history of the penetration in Yemen,  Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood are supporting it and engaging in it. Furthermore, the two matters the non–nationalism of the Brotherhood and the Saudi frailty, accompanied by the partnership of Al-Qaeda reveal that the referenetiality which stands behind the aggression and which controls the three parts of it is according to the Syrian experience is only Israel.

With reference of this scene, the stability, the patience and the steadfastness, Al Sayyed Abdul Malik Al- Houthi has come out to say a very calm, clear and successive speech that neither protects the Arab national security, nor returns Yemen to the Arab bosom, nor protects Al Kaaba against the American Israeli cooperation. He added, the Yemeni affairs belong to the Yemenis, and the political solution through dialogue was progressing till the Saudi intervention has come to hinder the Muslim Brotherhood by suggesting for the preparation of the aggression. The beneficiary of the aggression is Al-Qaeda organization, while the people and its revolution do not concern about what is said, their case is the Yemeni free independent decision where there is no place for the sectarianism, doctrines, tribalism and identities that separate and not unify. The independence is the title which on the basis of the pride is built the attitudes towards the major issues even if they meet the Iranian attitudes. So on the basis of the independent decision and the same pride criteria, which are the human criteria that Iran does not monopolize, as the attitude of supporting the Palestinian issue, so if its problem is Iran then let them dare and fight it, but why Yemen ? He added that the stability, resilience, unity, and the defense of the right of independence will prove the victory to Yemen. While because the project of the family of Al Saud is the dominance as a compensation of their failure in the region, and serving who controlled their decision, so they and their masters will fail and Yemen will win.

This month of war reveals that in Yemen there is great people, rebels and champions, and for this Yemen, its people and rebels a great unique commander.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2015-04-21 | عدد القراءات 1982