Salman Controls on Saudi Arabia

  • The Saudi King controls on his brother's palace. He claimed that he was resigned, but in reality he was expelled and arrested.
  • Salman threatened his nephew Abdullah, the commander of the National Guard and his brother Talalunless they announce their support for Mohammed to confiscate their bank accounts and forbid them to go outside their country.
  • Ministers who are appointed by Salman are princes in honorary positions. They had been instructed to humiliate princes asAdel al-Jubeir Foreign Minister and Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah as a Deputy Minister. He met him at 5 am in Ministry until he resigned.
  • The exemptions and appointments within five days is approximately 760 royal decrees as the appointment of Mohammed HamadSweilemas a special secretary for Mohammmadthe king's son and defense minister for the King and his successor.
  • Abdullah Al-Jasser, the General Director of the TV instead of the appointed Abdul Rahman Al-Hazza Abdul Aziz bin Fahd, to waiver the shares of Arab MBC.

2015-05-01 | عدد القراءات 1673