In the previous visit, Kerry and Sergei Lavrov,talked about the framework of a political solution to face crises in the world without definite strategy.
Two years of confrontations in the region and world and the results confirm that the settlements as America.
Ukraine, Yemen, Syria and especially with Iran there was no suggest for a settlement with the United States and its allies.
Kerry visited Moscow to have an understanding form with the Russians out of the Yemeni crisis and preparation for signing of an understanding with Iran.
The crisis in Syria is continued, the United Nation should control its allies activities from Al-Qaida's support is the US still seek to the political solutions and counter terrorism.
Kerry has duties for his state and missions to do during few weeks, while Al-Kalamoon war determines a new map for the region.
After Camp David and the first step to arrange the Gulf base, then the Yemeni's settlements will be ready.