Saudi Arabia seeks to Yemeni Division Geographically

  • Saudi Arabia's refusal to extend the Yemeni truce, but it is not a result of confident of achieving; nothing has changed achievement of the reasons for failure.
  • Rejection of the truce is known, but it will follow up with the acceptance.
  • Saudi Arabia wants to support in military situation, it is betting in major goals but it failed.
  • They are seeking for separatist in the south of Yemen.
  • Saudi Arabia adopted in the Riyadh Conference.
  • The terrorists groups belonging to Al-Qaeda and tribes support for Saudi Arabia and Hadi's supporters in the army and the Muslim Brotherhood, mostly from the south.
  • The final statement of the Conference of Riyadh talked about the formula of the federal Yemeni depends on the northern and southern.
  • Saudi Arabia has decided to control the Southern of Al-Hraak and handled militarily and politically.
  • Before the date of the debate in Geneva, also the UN envoy announced that the Saudi Arabia has opportunity to assure its positions in Aden.
  • If Yemen is divided, Saudi Arabia will try to attract the southern people by achieve all their hope to liberate and control on Bab Al-Mandeeb area.


2015-05-20 | عدد القراءات 1882