Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S
Crushing Al-Nosrah firstly
Written by Nasser Kandil,
It is clear that in the war against Syria and the resistance, the early considerations of the Americans and the Israelis were to exclude the option of the direct war, and it is more clearly that when there were indicators for approaching such a war, the Americans as well as the Israelis have quickly retreated, after it appeared that Syria and the resistance were moving towards it, as it was clear with the crowd of the American fleets in the Mediterranean Sea, the attitude of Syria and its readiness for the war, the same as what has happened in the last process of Shebaa Farms and what accompanied it of a challenge to go war while Israel retreated.
Digressively, the allies of Washington have passed in similar merits and options especially Turkey, because it is the only country which has borders and real capacities in front of Syria, and maybe if it decides to go to war the other countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others will participate in funding, mobilizing, and covering and perhaps opening the front of Jordan, but without Turkey it is impossible to think merely in the option of war. Turkey has experienced the tests of going to war several times, since the fall of its aircraft by the fire of the Syrian aerial defenses, and its fear of escalation, in addition to the bordered skirmishes which accompanied the fall of the shells across the borders and what they contain of opportunities for those who want the decision of war, Moreover the decision of restoring the tomb of Suleiman Shah was a sign of a Turkish military intervention in Syria. At the same time the concern for the pre -notification of the Syrian Consulate in Istanbul on one hand, although the process was in an area that is under the control of ISIS, and the concern of carrying out the entrance and the exit under a non- political and logistical case to transfer the tomb with its symbolism of the relation to the Ottoman history on the other hand.
It is logically, when Turkey grants support to the militants like shelter, protection, training, organizing, and an intelligence participation in planning and implementation to ask the following; why has Turkey already condoned of regaining Kasab from the hands of the Syrian army and did not ignite the war, knowing that Kasab is a bordered area which Turkey was sponsoring its attack ? And why does Turkey keep silent everyday regarding the Syrian aircraft traffic near the borders although it is the owner of the buffer zone project? And why does not it dare to announce the constituting of a buffer zone that is prohibited for the Syrian aircraft? Moreover as long as Turkey has stood behind what has happened in Idlib and Jisr Al Shogour so why does not it dare to have its impact on Aleppo? Because always the response is that Turkey will do whatever is important for supporting the militants, weakening Syria and protecting its presence in the war, but under the ceiling of not involving in the direct war.
Certainly, the bet on constituting an armed Syrian opposition away from the influence of ISIS and Al-Nosrah is based on a composition that believes in the civil country and has the ability of fighting and popular expansion, it is a bet that collapsed before Barak Obama has said that was a mere fantasy, because during the first two years of the war against Syria, it seemed that leaving this opposition under the name of the Free Army without a calling of Al-Qaeda means its disappearance, after it became clear its relation with a project supported by the Gulf and Israel. So the only way to continue the war is to deliver gradually the decision-making to Al-Qaeda although this was not secret, and what happened has happened, it became nonsense and an old dream without horizon. So today from where can they bring Syrian secular civilians against the country and the army that are fighting against ISIS, and accept that Saudi Arabia as an ally, Turkey as a supporter, America as a master, and Israel as a friend?
The only bet which the Saudi, Turkish, Israeli, Qatari, and the French agreed upon to fight Syria was facilitating the birth of ISIS and sponsoring its birth in order to make the brutal face associated with this name, and using the name of Al-Nosrah Front as a symbol of power that can be promoted as an enemy to ISIS and to the Syrian country too, therefore it makes the war between ISIS on one hand and the Syrian army and the resistance on the other hand through which it exhausts all, so they present Al-Nosrah as a moderate substitute, despite the fact that Al-Nosrah is the official representative branch for Al-Qaeda organization.
The Israeli has talked repeatedly and the parties of the fourteenth of March, Walid Jumblatt have talked too, while Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey have tried and have done their best to promote for Al-Nosrah as a power that can be dealt with, while Syria and the resistance are going ahead in their war against Al-Nosrah, the American is unable to move publically and accepts Al-Nosrah, since Al-Nosrah is Al-Qaeda till the French people decide to start practically in reopening the file of estimating Al Nosrah Front as a terrorist organization, and presenting an idea to the European Union about that Al-Nosrah is similar to Hamas Movement, moreover calling for the openness to them and evaluating their behavior as accused organizations of terrorism not as terrorist organizations.
The progress of ISIS under the American control towards Palmyra is an attempt for the French and their allies in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey to attract the Syrian army and Hezbollah to fight in the desert, and leaving Al-Qalamoun front where the fight is against Al-Nosrah.
Obama has received a slap for his failure in preventing the progress of ISIS while he is leading the war against terrorism alone an in accordance with his conditions in leading the alliance which he constituted for this war, and the French and their partners have received a slap for the continuation of Hezbollah and Syria in their war in Al-Qalamoun against Al-Nosrah.
The priority will remain the crushing of Al-Nosrah, the same as it was in the past the crushing of the Free Army, and if the war against ISIS becomes without Al-Norah or the Free Army, then the war against ISIS will have another considerations.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2015-05-25 | عدد القراءات 1824