Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S
Message to the members of the Arab National Conference
Written by Nasser Kandil,
A new session of the Arab National Conference will be hold in Beirut, although we are not in a very good condition, because wherever we look around we see blood, murder, devastation, and infighting, we see the dissembling of the countries, and the threat of disintegration of the entities and nations. We witness the resurgence of tribalism and instincts at the expenses of the national identity. In addition, the ideas and the beliefs which based on ignorance, the culture of backwardness, exclusion, blasphemy, murder, killing, and eating livers are replacing the culture of the civil state and the project of the modernization and recentness. We hear about new opponents against the nation instead of those who plundered its wealth and violated its territory. Here Palestine is still screaming while it is slaughtered thousands of times daily but there is no helper. It does not seem that the nation has passed in worse situations than nowadays, and it does not seem an exaggeration to say that the Arab national issue is at the last gasp, after the Arab national project had been shrouded secretly without burial ceremony, and has died leaving us without an accurate date of its death, or document of death, or limitation of succession or gathered condolers.
Our meeting here is neither to lament the remains to cry as women at the time we could not defend for it as men, it is a pro-forma pun and a symbolic historical metaphor does not aim to reduce the value of the woman at all, nor it is a new constituent draft for a national project. Thus the goal is not to turn into an intellectual luxury salon where we share the gossip and restore the beautiful memories to satisfy some of our individual narcissism, or to satisfy ourselves by consoles that we are still alive. Thus the project is still alive, it is like a car that fell in an abysmal valley and crushed but its radio is still working.
To start from here, if we confess that we are an active radio in a broken crushed car, therefore what is the benefit of that radio if it is not for appealing help or a call for zeal, or to ignite the courage, for whom this debris appeals and tries to cure its wounds, restores what has affected it, moreover, tries to restore the life cycle. The distress call here has two significant missions that are enough for our conference this session..
The urgent issue is to agree upon the content of the call and the essence of the distress, we have separated from each other, and the whims and the adversity have gripped into our minds and feelings, so it has become urgent to explain by the extensive common which justifies our holding this name, the limits of our right and our legitimacy in discretion to harmonize among the thought of each one of us and the belonging to a gathering that holds the conference name not an Arab national forum.
The Arab nationalism has known founders and constituent concepts; they are the bases of our meeting and the referentiality of our differences. Some of these leaders have left a consensus effect as the leader Jamal Abdul Nasser and his position in the national inheritance, and some have got the aggression on what they constituted of inheritance as the rank of the President Hafez Al-Assad in the war of October and the re-confidence in the nation’s abilities and its armies in confronting the task of liberation despite the disagreement of all the other aspects of his legacy, as the entrance of his troops to Lebanon and their role in it or his participation in the war of liberating Kuwait. the same as the aggression on the technological and military challenge which was represented by the President Sadaam Husein through his nuclear project and his last existential engagement with the American project despite the disagreement of his other aspects in his inheritance as the war with Iran and many of the internal policies, as well as the situation with the President Yasser Arafat and the unanimous agreement on his rank in reconsidering the Palestinian issue as a central issue for the nation and that the armed struggle is the only way to liberate it despite the disagreement on many policies and judgments , and others who have left us with different percentages of minimum agreement and maximum disagreement, and others statures such as Ahmad Ben Bella, Al Hawari Bou Mediene and the Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and many others. While among the alive the name of the President Bashar Al-Assad is preceding through his support of the resistance in the two wars of liberation and the deterrence of the Zionist project in Lebanon and Palestine, and his rare confronting against the American invasion of Iraq, and Colin Powell’s terms of condition of the American hegemony against Syria, in addition to his success in ensuring the culture of confrontation entitled the dissent if liberation was impossible, despite the variation among us concerning his internal policies, the same as the influential stature of what can be achieved ; Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah and the consensus about his role in re-stabilize the culture of resistance as a concept, philosophy and the way of making victory, despite the disagreement on his relation with many other issues in the region.
To agree on the referential rank of the leader Jamal Abdul Nasser, and to confine the adjective of leaders in the Arab national movement to the mentioned leaders and our consensus about them, means to admit of the legitimacy of determining the concept of the national project which no one deprived it from the prosecution but from the achievement which has the consensus of the nation and its elites. If we apply this strictly on those who have been mentioned as great important leaders, means to be humble as a gathering and individuals. The modesty is needed as a condition for integrity and as intellectual historical condition for our mission, in order to say that none of us have this legitimacy in adding and the modification.
In the constants of the national project concerning the achievement and the consensus, the issue of unity does not seem as a title for achievement in the history of the national movement even at the peak of its development with the greatest leaders such as with Jamal Abdul Nasser, despite the appreciation of the experiences and the attempts and the importance of its reading and understanding, moreover the examples of development and justice do not seem as two sides for the economical and social construction that have succeeded in presenting comprehensive integrated project that puts them at the level of the constants. Furthermore the motto; that is the socialism has been affected by a lot of wounds. Thus the concept of the Arab national security is presented at least as a constant, and which if it declines then the justification of the talking about the Arab nationalism and about nationalist Arabs and Arab national conference declines too.
Jamal Abdul Nasser has determined the concept of the Arab national concept by two-triplicity; the first one is the enemy which is represented by first, the colonialism at its forefront the American hegemony project. Second, the Zionism and its representation in our countries in the usurping entity of Palestine. Third, the reactionary which shares the interests of the colonialism and Zionism, and conspires with them against the nation and its issues, and at its forefront is Saudi Arabia, while the second triplicity is depending on the following first, confronting the colonialism by raising the banner of the national independence and getting rid of the foreign economical, political, ,and military influence, and its preceding as an exclusive banner of the banners of democracy, development, and justice as an existential condition for any another banner, and considering the presenting any other banner above the independence is a fabricate action to promote treachery and dependency. Second considering the priority to fight Israel and preparing the armies for this task and refusing any peace with the enemy, moreover encouraging the resistance’s spirit and developing it to the people to make Palestine always the central issue of the Arabs and considering every effort to deviate the conflict with it towards other enmities a protection for it and a legitimacy to usurp Palestine, because what is taken by force can only be restored by force, where there is no place for reconciliation, negotiation, or recognition. Third, the conflict with the reactionary is an inevitable completion for the open confrontation with the colonialism and Zionism, because the mission of it is to agitate strives and affects the national spirit, justifies the dependency, spreads the culture of subservience for the colonialism and the normalization with Zionism.
The experiences of the leaders who have come after Jamal Abdul Nasser and who have got the legitimacy of addendum and discretion by their achievements about what has got the consensus have proved that the constants of the Arab national security which Jamal Abdul Nasser has settled have not got any change because who have ventured of discretion with making peace with the colonialism, the Zionism, or reactionary or entrusted any of them for a stage or an opportunity among these leaders, his project has been affected deeply as a result of this peacefulness.
Today the challenge is to launch a call to restore the constants of the Arab national security in order to make our meeting deserve worthily its identity and its characteristic thus it will be a national, Arab, conference, and then it would be easier to approach the issues of the current situation on the basis of these constants so our visions will not distract neither in Syria, nor in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon and especially Palestine.
So let the final statement has a call entitled the call of Jamal Abdul Nasser from Beirut for the constants of the Arab national security, that includes only the restoring of the literal words of the immortal leader about the titles and the constants of the Arab national security.
Today is similar to Yesterday, and the access to reality is simple if the purity of intention, resolving, and decision become available without storms.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2015-06-04 | عدد القراءات 2112