Russia and Iran to Turkey and Saudi Arabia: Syria will not fall

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S   

Russia and Iran to Turkey and Saudi Arabia: Syria will not fall

volunteers vrs. voluAZnteers, weapons vrs. weapons, and donations vrs. donations

Written by Nasser Kandil,

When the war against Syria was global through Syrian means, Syria was able to bear the burdens alone despite the difficulty of the task, it has resisted along two years before the scenarios of managing the crowds, media campaign and the psychological warfare, legal opinions, and the intelligence actions. But when the mission of Kofi Annan has failed to lead to the fall of Syria, Al-Akhdar Al-Ibrahimi was came to manage the war of Al-Qaeda Organization as an UN Mediator, his task was to continue the psychological warfare, and to barter the Syrian leadership on its safety in place of abdication in order to stop the war which is launched by Al-Qaeda, on the contrary the Syrian country remains capable ,it has endured the bleeding and the brutality of the bottles, moreover it was able to achieve the miracle of  steadfastness and has started in writing the legend of its victory and its counter attack. The support of the faithful and at their forefront Hezbollah was enough to achieve accomplishments during the next two years.  

With the entry of the fifth year of war, the war alliance has entered into new phase its title is the Globalized War instead of the World War, during this globalization Syria has opened its northern, southern, and eastern borders in front of every mercenary who has come from around the world to fight, the camps have been set up in Turkey and Jordan, and the coverage was accomplished by the talking about training the moderate opposition, which the American President has already described it as a fantasy. The re-talk about the moderate opposition was not mere a media speech or a change from its being as a fantasy, but it is to cover these camps and to involve thousands of fighters who do not belong primarily to the opposition, and who constitute the Janissaries of the Turks and the cameleers of Saudi Arabia across the borders with Jordan, Turkey, and the areas which are under the control of ISIS in the borders with Iraq.

This has happened in conjunction with the starting of the UN Envoy Steffan De Mistura of his preparatory tasks for the Conference of Geneva. He was waiting for the invitation of Al Nusra Front with its new title Al Fatih Army ( The Conquest Army ) in conjunction with the start of the Saudi war against Yemen, and with three separator months for the end of the agreed deadline to resolve the fate of the negotiations about the Iranian nuclear file, with the emergence of clear American attitude of making use of the inciting actions of ISIS against Syria and Iraq, and the covering of the Saudi, Turkish, Israeli, Qatari, and French endeavors to save Al Nusra Front, in addition to the American bet on reaching the end of the negotiation with Iran, while the alliance of resistance has reached its worst days. Therefore, Iran and its allies will grasp the consequences of weakness in the nuclear file, meantime the pressure continues in order to make the countdown path controlling in all the regional files, then to return to the postponed Ukraine negotiations to impose the conditions of abidance on Russia.

The consultations’ decision of the resistance forces from Hezbollah, Syria, the Iraqi popular crowd and the Yemeni revolutionary committees is that neither Syria nor Iraq will fall. Yemen will not be humiliated. Al-Ramadi, Palmyra, Jisr Al Shogour, and Idlib will return, Sanaa and Aden will be protected, while Dhahran in the Saudi interior will be threatened. The Iranian leadership has informed its allies that it will continue the negotiations about the nuclear program, does not concern about the failure. Moreover it has started its preparation of the procedures, which it has to take on the first of July if the negotiations have succeeded, and most importantly those procedures which it has to take if the negotiations have failed, adhering that the decision of Iran is to support the allies and share the burdens with them, and that it will bear the costs of the financial arming confrontation. With the consultations with Moscow, Tehran has quoted to its allies that the explanation of Russia and Iran of the situation is the following; Syria will remain the goal for the opponents’ war despite the attrition on the two fronts of Yemen and Iraq. Therefore the counter attack in Yemen and Iraq will accelerate in calling for negotiation and the engagement in the understandings, their title is the settlement of the Yemeni crisis and a partnership in the war of Iraq against ISIS. While in Syria there is no choice but to turn the scales without waiting for settlements. For that reason the decision is to inform Turkey and Saudi Arabia that Iran and Russia have accepted the globalization of the war, and will respond to the volunteers versus volunteers, donations versus donation, weapons versus weapons, and armies versus armies. Syria is a part of the national security for both of Russia and Iran.

June will be the month of the field and logistical preparations to change the rules of game; we will witness the results soon.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2015-06-07 | عدد القراءات 1978