Al Zabadani is a connection and disconnection point ….. And a beginning of a stage

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S   

Al Zabadani is a connection and disconnection point ….. And a beginning of a stage

Written by Nasser Kandil,

One of the leaders of the participating military units in Al Zabadani battles has told me that what the world will witness in this battle is the example for what it will see from now and on in the war’ fronts which are waded by the Syrian army, the resistance which is represented by the mujahedeen of Hezbollah and the fighters of the Syrian National Social party accompanied by the troops of the national defense and local popular committees constituted by the people and protected by the army in everywhere. A different type of fighting, the preparation of fighting units is comprehensive and qualitative, fires in everywhere, coordination, targeting, effectiveness, and the harmony of the powers is thoughtful, and well considered and being distributed precisely and skillfully. This is not because there is something new that was not available before, knowing that there are many new weapons and ammunitions which are needed for this new stage and its surprises, but some of which have been hidden for this stage, and some have been brought, moreover some of the units have been hidden and some have been prepared for this stage. The difference is in timing, the war of attrition which Syria was bearing its consequences and repercussions of attack and retreat and avoided some of their unneeded confrontations in order to prevent the luring of its troops in it has ended, now the war of liberating the Syrian land from the terrorists in everywhere has started.

The battle of Al Zabadani is the second part of Al Qalamoun war which is the cleaning war of the Lebanese Syrian borders from approximately fifteen thousands of Al Nusra militants who constitute the elites of its fighters and who are equipped with the latest kinds of weapons, they protect the supply lines in all areas of the countryside of Damascus towards Homs and Hama, and they are allocated for the leadership of Al-Qaeda organization for two strategic tasks, the first one is the linking between Al Quneitra and the countryside of Homs towards the Mediterranean Sea in the Lebanese Syria Al Arida  area, and an extension for the Syrian Jordanian borders to secure a security belt for Israel which constitutes Al Nusra state under the Israeli banner, thus Al Zabadani will be the capital, it is opposed by a similar project in the north for an Emirate that its capital is Idlib besides to ISIS state, while the second task is striking the deterrence balance which the resistance constitutes against Israel, by separating Syria from Lebanon along the eastern and northern bordered line, therefore depriving  the resistance from its Syrian support and supply line towards its attrition, and the expansion into the Lebanese geography especially through a leap into the Northern Bekaa that allows the access to Dannieh and then the shore, where it was the basis of Al-Qaeda’s project since the year 2000 by linking Afghanistan with Mediterranean across a line that stretched in the Kurds areas along Iran, Iraq, and towards Al Anbar, Palmyra, Al Qalamoun then the Mediterranean Sea.

With the end of Al Qalamoun war with the victory of the Syrian army and the resistance, and eliminating the armed groups along the line border and preventing their expansion in the Southward towards the foothills of Hermon Mountain and Al Quneitra, a military rolling line that belongs to  the alliance of the army and the resistance will be made that stretches from the north of Homs to the South of Al Quneitra and in the east towards Palmyra and the bordered crossing of Naseeb with Jordan. This means in few difficult months there will be a cleaning of all the countryside of Damascus, its desert, and hills and liberating a force that is estimated of fifty thousand soldiers with their full equipments and their fiery capacities to join more than one hundred military areas, that are ranging from a town such as Darya, a city such as Duma, and a desert such as Palmyra, some of this force will be for enhancing the distributed lines in the north and east, then the convergence will be between it and three advancing lines; one for the Iraqi army and the popular crowd towards the Syrian borders and second for the troops of the army from inside Deir al Zour and Hasakah towards Homs, and a third line for the military units that are deployed in Aleppo and its countryside, Idlib and its countryside, Lattakia and its countryside  in order to liberate the neighborhoods of Aleppo, Idlib , and Jisr Al Shogour, to meet with the end of Summer and maybe with the mid of Autumn with fiery lines of the troops, resistance, and the popular defense for liberating the remnant areas in all parts of the Syrian geography.

The transition from the war of attrition to the war of resolving, from the steadfastness and defense to the attack is a political transition that is merged from the developments which accompanied the war against Syria. Syria’s consideration was the consumption of fuel and time by the war forces, so it will achieve the time when there is no need for waiting for the consequences of tests for some obsessed parties, and when the human and the political fuel for the war has been consumed, this is what is going on , because the virtual time for war which is related to America by signing the understanding with Iran is very close, while the virtual time for achieving the fear of  the radicalization of the terroristic organizations which are brought to topple Syria, and started to turn into an organized network that has a particular project in the Arab countries and Europe, has been overtaken by events and got matured, but with the end of time and fuel the attack starts and the mission of the war changes from steadfastness into resolving, and the escape routes in front of the militants have been blocked, so the available option for them either to die or to surrender. Syria does not wait for the settlements despite its openness to all the opportunities of withdrawal for those who were involved in the war against it, and despite its adherence of the wide range of dialogue’s possibilities with the opposition’s parties who want a democratic solution entitled the ballot boxes under the banner of continuation the war which combines all the Syrians against the terrorism.

Al Zabadani is a connection and disconnection point between two geographies, two strategies, and two stages.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,



2015-07-08 | عدد القراءات 1930