Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S
Al-Assad is announcing the beginning of a new stage
Written by Nasser Kandil,
It is not difficult for the listener of the speech of the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to ignore the comments which accompanied the Gulf satellites, the press media and the reactions of the Syrian opposition parties, all of these make the observer more certain that the speech was historical and promising of a new phase. The comments were belonging to a speech that is not said by the President Al-Assad, but all of them were similar to the summary of Al Arabiya channel regarding the speech of Al-Assad that Al-Assad considered the political solution is nonsense, while he said that the political solution which does not depend on the priority of the war against terrorism is nonsense. Al Arabiya channel and what is funded it know very well that the speech of the President Al-Assad about linking the political solution with the priority of the war against terrorism is like the speech of the UN envoy Steffan De Mistura or the speech of the Russian President Vladimir Putin, and recently it becomes the speech of the American President Barak Obama despite that his courage does not exceed the limit of profession of admitting the role of the President Al-Assad in this solution.
The speech has succeeded in drawing outlines for the new phase in the ongoing confrontation in and against Syria for five years. In the field it is the starting of the comprehensive attack till liberating the entire Syrian territories which are under the control of the terrorist groups with a full partnership with the resistance. Politically it is the announcement of the priority of the war against terrorism as an entrance for the international and regional relationships and a ruling title for the internal political solution. The logic is the change which the region has already entered with the understanding about the Iranian nuclear program which the President Al-Assad is proving his common reading of its impacts with what Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah has said about indicators of more power for the resistance alliance. The indicators for meeting the variables of the international and the regional powers under the title of the priority of the war against terrorism are a reason that is enough to justify the new positioning of these powers which are granted the opportunity by the President Al-Assad, by putting the clear title without hostile attitudes towards anyone, only towards the serious engagement under this title.
The President Al-Assad has drawn the scene on the basis of his ignoring two things which he has put them into his consideration, the first is what the Russian President Vladimir Putin has said about the regional alliance to confront the terrorism, so he welcomed the friends’ initiatives and has distinguished between the openness to initiatives and the falling into the deception of opposed speech of others about a political solution while they waste the compass of the war against the terrorism, the second matter is what has happened and is happening in Turkey without mentioning it or specifying his attitude towards it, he was just sufficient with recalling a former speech which the President Al-Assad has himself directed to those who bet on the terrorism to strike Syria, warning that they will drink the poisoned cup which they prepare for it, now here are the events are showing the answer.
Regarding the details of the political solution, the President Al-Assad did not talk because the opposed partner who is able to offer a real addition in the salvation of war is not existing, all the internal search within the details that related to the constitution and the government is a political luxury that is not in its place now, so the amnesty decree of those who remained absent from the military service and what it grants of opportunities to strengthen the capacities of the army and the Syrian armed forces is more important thousands of times than an effort that is spent on parties that have not a decision and their impact does not exceed the media outlets which are available for them to show off what they have, the interest in the political solution stems actually from its being the passage which should be left for the withdrawal of the countries which waded the war to bring Syria down in order to justify its withdrawal otherwise it was enough to wade the war with the duality of the war against terrorism and the call for a wider participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections. But because the war against terrorism is the priority of the Syrians to get rid of bleeding, destruction, and death, so it is a war that has launched from the bet of the international and the regional forces on the terrorism to affect Syria and bring it down, it is a war that lasts by the force of the granted facilities for the terrorists by these forces. So the cessation of this incubation and bringing down this bet constitute the priority of Syria, and what it requires from those who are suffering today from the fire of the terrorism to review by putting a title for the regional and international relationships which is exclusively the war against terrorism on one hand, and on the other hand putting the same title for the political solution for the forces which adopt the titles of Syria without having what it is equivalent to its media importance in the Syrian field and political reality, because by ensuring the closure of the borders and draining the swamps of terrorists’ supply then Syria will be able to prevent the blood of its sons, its developments and its capacities.
The new stage is the stage of the military resolving against the terrorism along the Syrian geography within international and regional background that it becomes ready now even if there is some delay in weeks or months, all of them are coming knocking the door of Damascus as in every time they bear the hostility towards it and suggest its breaking then they come back and re-knock the doors with the same remorse searching for a place for them in the Syrian equation and a place in its war and peace.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2015-07-28 | عدد القراءات 1815