Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S
Taking back the Patriot from Turkey
Written by Nasser Kandil,
In the year 2012 the Americans decided to deploy Patriot missile batteries on the Turkish-Syrian borders within American-Turkish cooperation in the process of the preparation to escalate the situation on the borders for a direct intervention by the Turkish army and with an American support or a common Turkish-American-Atlantic intervention. The missiles are followed by missiles from European countries at an American request especially from Germany when the choice was the preparation to use the Turkish borders with Syria as a line of penetrating the Syrian geography. From that date the talking was about a term that was used frequently in the phase of the Atlantic invasion of Libya, it is the term of the air embargo zone and then the term the buffer zone.
In each time the Americans were reiterating the presence of these missiles for another six months as a certified routine deadline for the task that is reiterated automatically. The hope of the Turks in remaining the opportunity of the hypothesis of the air embargo was growing; the resolution of establishing an air embargo zone inside the Syrian territory means the deprivation of the Syrian aviation form the flying into its airspace for many kilometers that are determined by that resolution. These kilometers generally are covered by the network of the American Patriot missiles that are deployed on the Turkish-Syrian borders.
There was not any justification for deploying the Patriot only the thinking of the aggression against Syria; these missiles ensure the prevention of the Syrian aircraft and missiles from crossing the Turkish airspace. Therefore if the war occurs then the targeting of the Syrian depth will be by Atlantic aircraft and missiles, as long as it was decided that Turkey is the basis of this aggression, sp the expected Syrian response is based on penetrating the Syrian aircraft and missiles of the Turkish airspace which is guarded by the Patriot missiles.
When the American fleets left in 2013 after they had come under the slogan of the war against Syria, it seemed that the resorting to war was cancelled and even faded, because who has brought the fleets under the slogan of accusing Syria by using the chemical weapons and then returning them back without going to war, will not find any occasion or a motto or a title better than waging it, thus the reiterating of the Patriot and its establishing on the borders will be till the opportunity for the choice of the air embargo zone comes, because the Americans are aware from the beginning that there is no danger of targeting the Turkish depth by Syria to have the justification of protecting Turkey from this danger.
Today and at the peak of the Turkish talk about the understanding with the Americans about establishing an air embargo zone which gives Turkey the opportunity of preventing the Syrian warplanes from flying inside the Syrian airspace at tens of kilometers under the penalty of threatening of using Patriot to fall these planes. Washington and Germany announce taking back the batteries of the Patriot at the end of the traditional frequent-reiterated deadline and which continues till the coming October, so they announce practically the end of the air embargo zone as a dream on which the Turkish dream based, by providing the support for the armed groups whom they send inside the Syrian territory , as well as the dream of domination by fire on a part of the Syrian geography that is represented by the bordered line, thinking that they hit two birds with one stone, thus they attack the solemnity and the unity of Syria and bargaining on it, and attack the Kurdish groups which they want to discipline them in order to ensure the electoral victory of the Justice and Development Party, but the American response comes negatively in the two sides announcing the fall of the Turkish dream.
At the end of the rashness of the Turkish President and before drawing the map of the powers on the negotiation’s table in the region and at the peak of the Turkish anticipation for imposing a Turkish intervention that oppresses the Kurdish role in Turkey, and pushes the tension with Syria to the threat of escalation of the American missiles. The General Martin Dempsey the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said in front of the Congress that the American involvement means the dangers of a full war which Syria will go in it with all of its power in addition to the support of Hezbollah, and Israel will be its goal, and Iran will join it later, but at the same time there are no guarantees for Russia not to interfere in one way or another. America says that what is after the nuclear understanding is different from what is before it, and that the war time has ended because the wartime of the allies of America is the American time which is determined by Washington not by any other capital, so who wants to do the contrary has to do on his behalf.
Washington announces taking back the Patriot, and the end of the imperial of Turkish dream through the gate of tampering in the Syrian geography, it announces as well the obituary of the Turkish dream by omitting the Kurdish factor from the borders with Syria in a preparation for its omitting from the Turkish interior, and announces the end of the regional and the international wars mentioning that what is more important than the American speech is the American acts, Bliss Erdogan.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2015-08-19 | عدد القراءات 2060