Russian chess player ….. & Egypt

Dotting the I’S & Crossing the T’S   

Russian chess player ….. & Egypt

Written by Nasser Kandil,

The President Vladimir Putin neither wastes his time nor fights the windmills, his seriousness is aware of the importance of time as he has expressed on the day of his departing the summit of the eight in Australia, that the hours which he should wait his counterparts to farewell them and to attend the final press summit conference are the best hours to be invested by sleeping.

The Russian President has hold the banner of the political management of the region’s crises where Washington has put itself in them as a part that is unable to bear the burdens of making solutions, after it has admitted of its lack of a vision for these solutions and its adherence to the right of veto towards what is presented in front of it, besides to the engagement of its allies in these solutions. This has happened and seemed clear after the end of signing the Western understanding with Iran about its nuclear issue.

President Putin has checked the files carefully without presenting integrated projects for the solutions, but he presented a title which is a regional alliance for fighting the terrorism, it includes the affected and the targeted countries. In the center of this thesis he has broken the ice which allows Syrian Saudi Turkish and Egyptian convergence and then with the Iranian. President Putin has tried the Turkish and the Saudi fronts although they are the most distant to Moscow, while the close relations with Egypt are transcending so much the cold relations with Saudi Arabia.

Ankara has chosen the bet on the incursion in the Syrian geography that grants it an additional opportunity to play a role in drawing the future of Syria as a condition for the cooperation with the Syrian country and where it has an authority, while Moscow has adhered Syria the dependent country, its president and respected the constitutional and the sovereign rules to choose who represents the Syrian country, it decided to draw a red line for the Turkish tampering but this time from Washington. Thus there was an almost daily statement by the American Ministry of foreign affairs, its title is no for a buffer zone or an air embargo zone inside the Syrian borders. So let Erdogan hit his head in the wall until satisfied.

Riyadh has chosen the confusion so it moved one step forward and two steps backwards, Moscow did not admonish, but it merely responded to the speech of Adel Al Jobeir by saying that it adhered the President Al-Assad and did not accept to make his leaving a condition to engage in the solution for Syria or in the war against terrorism, so it decided to leave Riyadh to go into its experience in Yemen which it suggested that it will win, while the Russian briefing has provided it a safety network that allowed it to get out with face saving towards the settlements but the briefing has ended.

The chess player has turned smoothly towards (the castle), he moved it to fix the positions and the conditions of the game, so he headed to Egypt and now he is greeting the Egyptian President Abdul Fattah Al Sisi after a Russian Syrian and Egyptian communication, its title is the coordination in confronting the terrorism. The Syrian President has expressed his greeting and his appreciating for this communication, so the President Putin in the presence of the President Al Sisi has recalled for a common regional alliance with Syria, the Egyptian President has replied that there is a correspondence between the Russian and the Egyptian attitudes.

Egypt, Syria and Iraq are the starting of the regional alliance against terrorism; this is what the Syrian President has said. After Egypt was deprived from forming an alliance for the war against terrorism in Libya under a Turkish Saudi pressure, it has acquired a role in the political solution in Syria after Saudi Arabia has failed in accepting the gift.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

2015-08-28 | عدد القراءات 2043