Nasser Kandil wrote: Erdogan is a hunting dog

  • This description is not an insult, but a metaphor of the similes and the characteristics, because the last positions of Erdogan and his party say that they are American trained hunting dogs.
  • The training of the hunting dogs depends on making them more patient, preserve, and stubborn, as long as the hunter wants to chase the prey, so the dog becomes exhausted and breathless but not stopping. This is how Erdogan remained towards Syria; he wants to grasp a piece of its body at any price.
  • The training of the hunting dogs depends on concentrating on one sense, it is the smell by creating the link between the running and the nose, whenever the dog sniffs from the hunter’s hand a smell, it starts an endless chase that does not stop only by making it sniffing another smell.
  • The hunting dog is hearing voices, laughter, and screams from its employer the hunter and his friends, but it does not turn, it hears the praise and the slander but does not stop and does not care, because it is driven by its nose not ears. This is how Erdogan who has not affected by what was talked about Syria; he remained faithful to his nose’s duty which is assigned to chase the prey.
  •  Erdogan remained panting wounded as a professional hunting dog, it does not quit the duty entrusted by its owner till it sniffs the smell of his shoes while he is turning around, so it stops, turns around and starts panting running back.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,



2015-09-27 | عدد القراءات 1872