Nasser Kandil wrote: What will Erdogan do?

  • This month is a critical period in the political life of the Turkish President Recep Erdogan, because there are two merits in front of him; the early parliamentary elections and the Russian positioning in Syria.
  • In the first merit Erdogan expected the repetition of failure of his party in gaining the necessary majority to form a government.
  • There was not an amendment of the constitution that allows Erdogan to continue his presidential term with executive powers, so the government now leads Turkey internally and externally through his presence as a president but without powers.
  • The second merit through which Erdogan has linked his fate and the fate of Turkey as a major regional player is the future of the war against Syria.
  • The new Russian positioning militarily and politically in the war against terrorism within an alliance that includes Syria, Iraq, and Iran is decisive in targeting the variations of Al-Qaeda without distinction.
  • The project of Turkey which is based on managing the game of the branches of the organizations of Al-Qaeda especially their custody of ISIS as a permanent passage of money, arms, and men, and its absolute support of Al-Nusra Front as a political project of Syria has been affected.
  • In the related two merits, Erdogan is facing an inevitable loss after the absence of the maneuver in front of him, because of his failure in the project of the buffer zone, the war against Kurds, and the loss of the Western support of the two projects.
  • Erdogan will fall by the knockout.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,




2015-10-05 | عدد القراءات 1737