Nasser Kandil wrote: Caspian’s messagec

  • Did the military sites which belong to the armed groups worth the resorting yesterday to the strategic Russian destroyers which are anchored in Caspian Sea and which are loaded with intercontinental missiles?
  • The experts responded with an absolute negation, because the aircraft used by the Russian army and the missiles carried by them according to the Russian resources themselves are most accurate in targeting.
  • Technically the only justification is that the kind of these missiles which have been launched are of heavy-gauge that cannot be carried by this type of aircraft, but this is denied by the explosions which are made by these missiles that the less effective and impact of them have been used.
  • The followers agree on considering the Caspian Sea’s message a political and strategic par excellence that targets the campaign which the Russian troops are exposed to in order to impose modification to its tasks.
  • The message says that Russia has entered the war with all of what it has of importance and reputation, and that when it used the intercontinental missiles; it intended to say that there is nothing prevents it from winning this war, so the noise and the screaming are in vain.
  • Russia deals with the war as a fate war; this explains the using of the destroyers of Caspian Sea in the war which are originally earmarked for a global war.
  • Russia puts its efforts and the reputation of its army challenging to win.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2015-10-08 | عدد القراءات 1871