Written by Nasser Kandil,
The anniversary of the October 6th war opens the appetite of the strategic military researchers for regaining backgrounds that transcend the moment of engagement in certain historical moment in the conflicts of the Middle East, because the rapid falling in the moment puts the daily political analysts who get their information from the quick up-to-date flow of information in front of a misleading scene. so the war which is under the research for the first time becomes about the ability of Israel to stay in the region, but just a Syrian Egyptian Saudi coalition its center is the money of oil has moved the path of the settlement till Camp David, while the return to the paths which are drawn by the political entities throughout the history corrects the vision and puts the event in a framework that gets along with the desired interest in any purposeful research, which its duty must be lighting the future with the light of history not with the light of the past.
In October war 1973 something has happened similar to what is happening nowadays, on these days Saudi Arabia is positioning on the opposite bank of where Damascus, Cairo, and Moscow stand, despite that apparent links between Cairo and Riyadh to the extent that it seemed that their alliance is superior to all other relationships of Cairo, while in the concept of the Egyptian national security the priority is to confront the Turkish challenge which seems that is the closer ally to Saudi Arabia at this stage. The Turkish challenge is a danger on the security of the countries of Nile from the gate of the Levant, it tempers with the Egyptian center through the Muslim Brotherhood and with the Egyptian presence in Libya through ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood together. Cairo is aware that the Yemen war which forms the most important wars of Saudi Arabia during an entire century is waged today by Riyadh with an announced complete alliance with Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda Organization who will be on the shores of Egypt if the military option has succeeded in the war.
The Egyptian confusion through the alliance with Saudi Arabia on one hand and the defense of the vital interests of the security of Egypt on the other hand does not prevent Cairo and its new form state, which derives its backgrounds from the concepts of the Egyptian military institution from standing clearly with the Russian role in Syria, and refusing the signing on the statement which the Atlantic countries, Turkey and Saudi Arabia have signed it objecting the Russian raids against organizations that the background of their funding, arming, and ideology is from the Saudi Turkish bilateral.
The Mediterranean Sea is an active proof which its whales do not swallow the spread memory of thousands of years from the campaign of Ramses to Cadiz to the campaign of Mohammed Ali Pasha and Ibrahim Pasha to the Levant, it does not forget the campaign of Katrina the Second or the campaign of Nicolai the second which arrived to the Gulf of Oman that is entitled today the Strait of Hormuz and the port of Bandar Abbas, as it amounted Alexandria crossing the Strait of Gibraltar in response to the closure of the straits of Bosporus and Dardanelles by the Ottomans in front of the Russian ships, as it recalls upon mentioning the Strait of Gibraltar the Syrian campaign to open Andalusia and Tariq Ben Ziyad toward the Alps, and before that the campaign of Alissar from the shores of Sour to Carthage, and the campaigns of Hannibal to the coasts of France and Italy, in addition to the role of the Russian campaigns in the independence of Egypt from the Ottoman Empire, or the famous word of Katrina that the security of Petersburg which was the capital of the Tsarist starts from Damascus and not from Volga River, as it does not forget the campaigns of Salah Din Al-Ayoubi from the Levant to meet the Egyptian army towards Jerusalem.
The three empires which met on the dream of the Mediterranean, have met on the strategic concern of the Ottoman expectations for at least two centuries that preceded the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, which is restoring through the expectations of its new Sultan the bets and the illusions of its wars in Crimea and in Syria and Egypt. It finds that its dream gate is in Northern of Syria. In the confrontation which its equations are formulated by the deep history of the live memory of the leaders who came from the history of the ancient military institutions in the three modern countries, the repelling of the risks of the new Ottoman game proceeds as an expression of the ambush of the common threat against the national security to form the modern imperial concept of civilizational sense, not in the form of nostalgia about the illusions of the colonial role which lives in the mind of each of France and Turkey the two countries against which the Russian, Syrian, and the Egyptian nationalism have waged confrontations of high costs in different times and in many wars. The civilized imperial mind is represented here in the progress of the ranks of humanity to eliminate the most dangerous phenomenon against the world that is represented by terrorism, as a priority which the leaders of the international politics behave towards it for the past decades as a funny thief that benefits from the game of the revolving door, he enters to the jail from the front door to come out of it with a secret mission from the back door.
In the memory of the Mediterranean Sea there is no presence for any Saudi role, no place for the campaigns of the tribal mind which it stops at the borders of the desert’s sands, no place for the imperial phase on the shores of the Mediterranean except only what it has of cultural and civilized interaction, that is expressed today by the religious pluralism, so the components which do not have religion or doctrine in common meet on a human goodness, at the same time the concepts of the national security of the three civilized empires are realized in a war that constitutes today a continuation of a war its path has been interrupted in 1973 because of the Saudi intervention which has bought the Egyptian decision one day, so it affected the war and its path, the faithful are afraid despite the auguries of Egyptian eluding of the effects of its financial restrictions to succeed in imposing its conditions once again.
It is a date with the history initiated by Damascus and Moscow; they invite Cairo to join them in the front row and in the leadership room. A forth empire which is Persia which its effects in the Mediterranean are not less than the effects of its Syrian and Russian partners or less than the effect of its expected partner which is represented by the country of Ramses and Mohammed Ali, throughout history, the kingdom of the first Saudi Wehhabi has fallen at the hands of Ibrahim Pasha and his historical military campaign, as the history says that the kingdom of Fatimids to which the Egyptian history belongs which is closer to an empire has waged battles of Antioch in the Northern of Syria against the campaigns of Roman, based on the stretching from the depth of Persia to the further West.
The strategists do not make a mistake when they say that a whole century of the overcoming of the technology and money bilateral to the civilization and its success in promoting the corruption of wisdom, philosophy, science, culture, politics, and economics has been identified by the meeting which its features are constituting between history and geography, and that a new dawn n of humanity will be written and will admit of the visionary role, its burdens have been bear by the leader Bashar Al-Assad who has awakened with his steadfastness, stability, bravery, and wisdom the hidden and the magical forces of history and geography and has revealed its secrets, moreover he knew how to encounter by the pains and the suffering because the history and the geography are not awakened by the beating of drums but by the wails of the tortures, after the immorality of the money and technology bilateral has reached the extent of enamored sadism with the whoop of the throat under the blade of knife, and the blowing of the victim’s blood at the butcher’s face.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2015-10-11 | عدد القراءات 2103