Written by Nasser Kandil,
The political sociologists agree since Ibn Khaldoun on that the history is written by geography by the force that constitutes the cultural inventory of the popular accumulation that forms the civilization. The intention here is not the contrary to the military but it’s the social framework, the ratio is for the cities and not for the synonymy between the civilian and the military costume. The civilization is the transition of societies to the politics where the laws, bureaucracy, and governance. The geography which tyrannizes history and makes the features of its movement is overriding by the will of a man in taming the nature, its disasters, the sources of its dominance by the abundance and the scarcity of the resources, the difficulty of the weather and its flexibility, its suitability for the accumulation of wealth, the smooth succession of season, and the regularity of the circle of the calm life which allows the transition and the assembly, and thus the market movement, education, and the police. These are the features of civilization, while the wars in their nature and the origin of their emergence, the creeping of humans from the worst to the best in the geography, the stock of the accumulated resources, the appropriateness of the nature for the most abundant smooth stable and regular life, the invaders in general are winning by the strength of motivation and the plenty of combing and the severity of the valor of the difficulty of life and their approaching the herd, so the civilization becomes a gathering of individuals, but the accumulation of the humans in classes similar to the layers of geology in the ground produces successively a phase of the strong civilization which starts with the mastering the fighting, it builds its security in a dynamic range that drives its facilities and the sources of its stable life away from the expected battlefields, it builds its citadels, deploys its units and arms, develops its techniques and tactics till arrives to the preventive war. With the historical stability in forming the nations and the countries, the stable nation in the geography which is tyranny by the superiority of its features becomes a permanent need for the wars, towards the emerging nations look as prizes for their entry into the world of empires, thus its strength becomes their guarantee for stability, thus the armies become the center of civilization and not contrary to it. Therefore where there is no ancient historical national military there is no country, and where there are no genius commanders there is no security or stability, and where there is no flow of resources to build the security of a country there is no abundant and no well-being.
The effect of the industrial revolution and the outburst of technology and money in the nineteenth and twentieth century has focused on bridging the gap between civilization and the invasion through the attempt of assassinating the geography, abolishing its role in the industry of the history and changing the time to a secondary factor that is controlled by the sources of power provided by money and technology for the invaders, so the outcome of the countries which based on colonial projects for pirates, the opportunities’ hunters, charlatans and the scum of communities governing powers by the force of money and technology such as the racist country of South of Africa and Israel but before them was America, so it is devoted all the capacities for the revolutions of technology to bridge the gap between the nations. For example the giant transport means have reached to the space and have ushered of new eras, distances have disappeared, new cultures have been emerged their basis are that the world has become a small village, the national identities have fallen, the creeds have faltered, the holy noble issues have been weltered in the alteration of charlatanry, in addition new philosophies of the end of history have emerged, the meaning here the end of authoritarian geography with history to be tyrannized with dual money and technology. Thus the World Trade Organization has become an alternative of the United Nations, moreover the movement, positioning, and the following of goods and the financial instruments become more easier and quicker to the human rights which are theoretically equal in their global village which is used to move and to have residence, in addition to the money laundering there were terrorism laundering, tyranny laundering, and occupation laundering, thus the terrorists can be described by the fighters for the sake of freedom as Al-Qaeda Organization in Syria through the eyes of the whole West . Therefore the rule of Al-Saud can find a comfortable seat by the force of its financial stock among the democratic countries, and the Israeli occupation can have throughout the years the protection of veto in the Security Council that is entrusted of the human rights, thus the freedom and the democracy have become the two sublime values of the dawn of the industrial revolution which have stemmed with the renewed philosophy of Rousseau and the risings of the French Revolution, in other words a technological and financial commodity that is ready to be used and to win apart from the will of the people but in their names.
The geography and the history have clashed with the dual of technology and money in the hostile encounter in the year 2006 in the South of Lebanon, the consequences of this test were difficult ,but the expectation of the resulting track of this test is more difficult than the present encounter the more delay means that the time holds a conspiracy with the geography, thus Winds do not blow as the vessels wish, so the invasion of the Arab Spring is by the force of money and technology and under the coverage of their making, for the canned democracy in the boxes of Coca Cola, hamburger, the classified freedom on the rhythm of rap songs, the logo of Facebook and Twitter and the coming appointment in Syria for the encounter that must resolve the tracks mindlessly, so Hamad can say on his camel and Obama can say from his space vehicle one sentence, that the pulling out of the Syrian President from the presidency seat is easier than pulling the tooth out of his mouth. Here is the geography tyrannizes and rules, here is the time manipulating with the sails of player’s ships. The war takes place for years but the Syrian national military withstood accompanied with the Russian national military and the Iranian national military which is renewed by the force of revolution, waiting the Egyptian national military parade which delayed. The attempts are revolving on an Iraqi national military which was invaded and destroyed by the hordes of money and technology, where the history and the geography are trying to restart its generators.
The round through which the whole region of the Middle East has entered from the Caspian Sea from where the Russian missiles have been launched toward the Mediterranean Sea where the American missiles have fallen two years ago is an interval round between the bilateral of money and technology and the bilateral of history and geography, it is not mere a liberation war of Syria from terrorism and not mere a protection war for Syria against theft and division. By the force of geography, the goodness of timing and the cleverness of the strategic deception, the elements of an image that the Americans were trying to deny are formed, although that the first one who have said the new equation was one of their wise men the Chairman of the Council of Foreign Relations and the editor of “Foreign Affairs” the magazine of their smart elites Richard Haas after the July war 2006, the test which took place in reality, where there was not possible to hide the defeat of the bilateral of money and technology, in the issue of November of the same year he wrote what has met the conclusions of recommendations of Baker-Hamilton commission which represented the two American parties and which was published at the same time, he has said in the philosophy of strategy what the recommendations have showed through the reality of politics, the recommendations have said that the time of neglecting Russia has passed, as well the time of denying the nuclear Iran, and the time of ignoring Syria as a regional player, the admission of these facts is the starting of correcting the path of the American policies, while Haas has said that the time of the major international forces has passed by the force of geography, thus the closest regional country is the superpower in its dynamic range, and the major country becomes unable to achieve victories . Haas has concluded that, we return to the equations of the mid of the eighteenth century in the Middle East where players such as Mohammed Ali Pasha become more stronger than the empires such as France of Napoleon and the Ottoman Turkey, when the war is in the Levant the war is meeting the will of people and the reading of its fate.
The geography is resolved today, its restores the glory of making history by the cleverness of time which the Americans and their allies have exhausted it in bets and illusions that have been tested before, so it is the time after the war against Syria has become a war against terrorism, they have brought it and made the slogan of the war against it to present to the ancient Russia in geography the enemy, issue, and the slogan, it is the time after the virtual empires which sponsored the war, financed it, took care of its details and made it its anticipated accomplishment for the new Middle East gaining have begun to demise from the Sultanate of illusion to the Kingdom of determination, with France which is not shown, and Israel which is not defeated.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2015-10-12 | عدد القراءات 1892