What is the factor of attracting the terrorists?

Written by Nasser Kandil,

It is shameful for figures at the constitutional positions of responsibility in ancient countries in the way of practicing democracy, which is based on the equation of respecting the rights of the voters in knowing the facts to practice the fraud and the deception, and although this shame has been repeatedly committed but it is still a shame that its committers are obliged to apologize publicly even after it is too late, as has happened with Colin Powell the former Secretary of State of America in promoting an invented information to justify the invasion of Iraq which is built on convincing the world that in Iraq there are weapons of mass destruction and that America has a document that proves the right of its claims and justifies its war.

Any country without constitution, or elections, or political or diplomatic traditions such as Saudi Arabia can say with all the abruptness that we want an affiliated Syrian rule, and we are ready pay the cost even if it reaches to one hundred billion dollars as any purchase that is done by the ruling family that is involved in ethical scandals that affect its name without caring. No one will blame any Saudi official if he plied and talked in a political language through which he justifies the reason of the adherence of the ruling family to the departure of the Syrian President, because this will be a behavioral progress as expected from him to say it with abruptness. Fore example if he said that the doctrine of the Syrian President and his sect is important for the royal family then he would talk in politics and this is good, and if he talked that the Saudi ruling family neither want a president who has alliances that confuse the policy of the family nor a president that sticks by the independent Syria which has a resisting attitude towards Israel, then it would be an important progress in doing the best to enter the world of politics by the royal family, so how if he said that the presence of the Syrian President is an attracting factor for the terrorists, then he would be granted the honor of the fatigue for his discovering equation that hides the abruptness of purchase which only the princes of the family perfect master,  it would be accepted by them if they say that, because the expectation will be out of anticipation if one waited to hear other than“I want and I will pay”, but the amazement is when the Secretary of State of America and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France repeat the sentence which the Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs has said about the attraction of the terrorists, thus its discussion becomes a duty  to prevent the game of fraud and deception.

The American Secretary of State John Kerry says that there are two issues that justify his adherence and his government’s adherence to the departure of the Syrian President, First, there is a need to create a separating position between the Syrian opposition and the terrorists, and that the departure of the Syrian President will grant the Syrian opposition whom their fighting is merged with the terrorists an opportunity of  considering it a victory, that will make them and their regional and international allies bear the responsibility of establishing the Syrian country. Therefore implicitly it means the departure of the terrorists and their fighting necessarily. Second, there is a need to separate those who are sectarian enthusiastic to fight in Syria; the ones who are non-Syrian volunteers from the terrorists, because the remaining of the Syrian President will bring those who are enthusiastic with those whom considered victims of a sectarian injustice from the same sect to mobilize them for support, and that the terrorists are infiltrating by them, therefore the departure of the Syrian President will put an end for this mixing and will permit of chasing the terrorists without any coverage especially the countries which grant facilities and support for those comers to Syria like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Jordan, these countries are doing that under the slogan of supporting a part of the Syrians through volunteers vs volunteers that fight with the country  and the army in Syria but from an opposite sect.

The first question which faces Kerry’s equations is the Libyan state, through which the ruling president Muammar Al-Gaddafi has departed, while the opposition has granted its prize which Kerry is calling to give it to the Syrian opposition, so he has to prove that this winning prize in Libya has ensured the ruling of the opposition in Libya, and has ensured the prevention of the flow of terrorists, and that the competition of the regional and international sponsors after the departure of the ruler Muammar Al-Gaddafi whom their alliance’s title was his departure will stop and this is enough to leave Libya for the Libyans, its weakness does not constitute an attracting factor to have a share in it, and while they are competing on the shares they will keep themselves from using the terrorist organizations in new formulas to undermine each other  and represent each other in the project of the new rule, in the same way which they gave the support and the facilities for those terrorists under the slogan of getting rid of the ruler Muammar Al-Gaddafi, so what has happened in Libya denied all the logic of Kerry, because it is proved that the departure of Al-Gaddafi was the shortest way for the spread of terrorism in Libya, its extension and its turning into a striking force which its satisfaction is bought by the aspiring countries to have a share in Libya which became an abandoned country after it became a failed country, thus there was a competition and a fight on Libya where there were terrorist organizations which have already informed that they came to support the Libyan people, but it was clarified that the origin of the concern of the countries which interfered was not out of attention or a pursuit but only for their interests, so what is the receipt of Kerry to prevent the repetition  of the Libyan  example in Syria since in Libya there are neither sects nor doctrines which make those who interest in it be united in solidarity with its people to have the prize of democracy?

The second question which faces Kerry’s equations is that if the lie of mixing of the opposition with the terrorists accompanied with the first receipt of Kerry, and the mixing of those who are enthusiastic to support the Libyan or the Syrian people with the terrorists and accompanied with the second receipt of Kerry has been denied, the question is does what attract the terrorists is the resolution of the Syrian President which Kerry has called it a sectarian escalation or the complacency of the West and its allies which Syria sees it an engagement and a partnership with the terrorism?

The equations of the last month after the Russian intervention  in the war in Syria and the ground attack which is started by the Syrian army say that what has happened in Syria was  the crowding of tens of thousands of terrorists under two names; ISIS and Al-Nusra and its allies, because of their ability to  have a control over Syrian areas with a regional and international support and share, in return, the lack of seriousness in waging the war against ISIS, the attempt to neutralize Al-Nusra among the goals of the war on terrorism, putting the departure of the Syrian President at the forefront of Washington goals and its allies, and thus the slowdown in every military movement that can weaken the terrorism because this will be a source of strength for the Syrian President and his army, all of these have enabled the terrorist arrivals to come to Syria under two slogans: first,  the enthusiastic for “ Al Jihad” option, they come to ISIS because they consider the war which is waged by the international alliance is targeting it, and the aimers of building substitute organizations as protected bases to work in their countries which they came from, they come to the safe areas which are directed by Al-Nusra front and its allies. The experience says that since the war on ISIS became serious, the number of the comers has decreased and the reverse departure has started. Concerning the comers to Al-Nusra areas, all types of immigration have stopped and the escape immigration across the borders become for the foreigners who came for training and forming the rules of work in their countries knowing that they are thousands. The experience says that when the regional and the international spokesmen who talk about the insistence on the departure of the Syrian President silenced and when the whole world especially the neighboring countries merge within the option of the war on terrorism in cooperation with the Syrian country, then the last hope for the terrorists who wait for the outcome of the current attraction under this title in order to resolve their choices will fall.

The experiences of Iraq, Libya and before them Afghanistan were not out of nothing, because wherever America is and wherever it directed the war on terrorism, it spreads more of it , its role and its presence are sources of reassurance for the terrorism and the main reason of attraction. This is the experience of Lebanon in exchange of the experience of Libya, in other words, where it is supposed that the presence of Hezbollah is the sectarian attraction in its peak, and  it is the first enemy that terrorists accompanied with Syrian opposition whom Kerry is talking about and about their regional sponsors are seeking to fight it and accusing it of supporting the country and the army in Syria and the failure of their war against them, but during all of that we have not witnessed an atrophy and a retreat under the strikes of the termination,  resolution, and the decision, so here is Libya is a witness of where is America,  and here is the experience of Lebanon says more than enough where is the resistance.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,



2015-10-30 | عدد القراءات 2062