Nasser Kandil wrote: What is going on in Amman?

  • It is no longer possible to claim that what is going on between Daraa and Amman are pure coincidences, and that the killing of the American trainers is mere an accident.
  • For a period of time, Washington has tried to arrange a center for the opposition which it organized through the operational room MOC in Amman to constitute through it the necessary force to enter Al Raqqa and Deir –Al Zour, before the units of the Syrian army and the resistance end from liberating the North and move accompanied with the Russian support to the areas which are under the control of ISIS.
  • The connections by money and weapons are the force of MOC and the bet is to transfer whom it has trained and financed to its plan.
  • The battle of Daraa showed that the militants whom Washington has gathered under the name of the Southern front are putting their loyalty implicitly to the decision of Al-Qaeda, and they rebel against the American decision, so it punishes them by stopping the money and the weapons.
  • Al-Qaeda organization is responding through killing the American trainers.
  • No one answers the question about the future of the armed groups which are directed by the MOC theoretically in the war against terrorism and its readiness to have reconciliation under the meeting of Vienna and its understandings.
  • The second Vienna is an occasion to classify the opposition and to distinguish it from the terrorism, so where will be the position of the Southern front according to the Americans?
  • The battle of the South is approaching, as the battle of the North, thus the Americans will discover that they armed Al-Qaeda.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2015-11-14 | عدد القراءات 1959