Nasser Kandil wrote: G-20 Summit

  • The Western bet on postponing the reaching to settlements was based since the starting of Vienna process and its political track on the negotiating desire for cost in exchange of the admission of abdicating  the call for the departure of the Syrian President.
  • The practical exchange in the backstage was related to classifying the factions of Ahrarh Al Sham and the Army of Islam, and the call to exclude them from the terrorism’s list because one of them belongs to Saudi Arabia and the other to Turkey.
  • The second exchange was the attempt to put the understanding of Obama Netanyahu regarding observing the weapons of Hezbollah as a condition in the understanding on the Syrian presidency.
  • The massacre of Paris has occurred to show that these raging battles are proposing the fate of terrorism, and that there is no need  for postponement because on one hand  time ends the dominance of ISIS and Al Nusra on the Syrian geography, so the need for  negotiation reduces, on the other hand the terrorism escapes to hit  Europe in order to restore its prestige, so the time becomes related to the European’ blood and their security.
  • The American was obliged to adjust his calendar, to return to Vienna’s plan and the commitment of ignoring the Syrian Presidency, and accepting considering it a pure Syrian affair.
  • At G-20 Summit, the American has returned obliged to the house of obedience despite his desire of maneuvering.
  • The more there was a progress in the field the more the conditions of negotiation change.
  • Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel want costs without sources of power.

Translate by Lina Shehadeh,


2015-11-18 | عدد القراءات 1768